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Sunday, December 11, 2011

My new favorite cereal?

I've been trying to wean myself off sugar-loaded food and get more fiber and vitamins into my diet, and I think I'm on my way there. Grocery shopping with my mum proved productive, because I found this - Sante Granola Dark Chocolate cereal. This is basically the thing I was looking for: high in fiber, lots of oats and grains, and ever better, dark chocolate.

Dark or bitter chocolate is the healthiest type of chocolate among the chocolate family, largely due to either the amount of cocoa butter or something in the chocolate itself. Needless to say, dark chocolate is the least sweet among chocolates, and much less fattening, which is why many magazines recommend replacing your regular milk chocolates with dark chocolate so that you get to indulge, but do so healthily~

The box emphasizes the fact that this cereal has 8.2% of fiber in each serving, that's 8.2g per 100g. Let's say you have a 100g bowl with regular fresh milk, you get 8.2g of fiber, when the average daily adult fiber requirement is approximately 25g per day. By doing so, you've already got a third of your daily fiber intake, just add some more fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Personally, my fiber intake is relatively low, because I really seldom eat vegetables and fruits, and even if I do consume vegetables their usually a la Chinese - which means they're cooked through.

This was basically a treasure find for me. I was a bit wary at first because I'm not really an oat person, but this tasted really good, not like the Nestle type sweet cereal, but it wasn't as bad as I thought.

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