
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yesterday was poop.

Tuesday, so: loose fitting off-shoulder red top recently arrived from Yinhoo S/B, my boot-cut jeans, gladiators. Accessories: my chrome name-band, the 'rocker' band, my dark chrome multi-strand necklace. Makeup: just some Laneige face powder and pinkish nude lipstick. I only had 5 hours of sleep so I was way too tired to do anything more complicated.

The theme was supposed to be hardcore lolita-ish rocker, but due to the lack of sleep I went for rocker-inspired chic. =P

I've no idea what the hell is wrong with me but I keep suffering from stomachaches and backaches recently, especially after the Nando's food poisoning incident. Nothing I eat seems to be digested and expelled normally. I get a stomachache around 15 minutes after a meal and I'll spend the next 10 in a toilet cubicle. I think I spend more than 50% of my entire lifetime in the bathroom, honestly. Baths, girl's stuff I do during baths, the stomachaches, the throw-ups, the emo-ing. Should I go for a medical checkup? Or should I just ask my mum to get some deworming tablets again then see what happens next? @@

Prestegious as Taylor's University is, it freakin' sucks. No comment on management, but apart from the computer lab and library, there's nothing to do at all. Especially when my timetable is so freakin' weird - there's a four-hour gap between my morning and afternoon classes, and if we spend some time here, we're not able to do anything else. Food prices are actually already kinda reasonable, considering the food prices today.

Plans for this Friday (but I'm still keeping my hopes as low as possible): swimming in the morning, then off for a movie at Mid Valley. It's about time that he's waking up, but I don't think he's be checking his Facebook soon. =P

I think as far as couples go, we're the 'traditional meets modern' kinda couple. It's kinda we think old-school but we do things modern-ish. I dunno, it's crazy, and what's crazier is that OUR 5TH MONTH ANNIVERSARY IS COMING UP!!! =X

Today's plan: Pyramid after class, straight to lunch and Daiso, whichever comes first. On my shopping list? The mysterious glow in the dark condom I saw in Daiso. =X =X =X Nothing naughty intended, I just wanna see why anyone would want a glow in the dark condom. @@

I actually also look forward to getting a hair straightener. And I'm also wondering whether I should shave my brows ala visual kei. It's just so tempting. =X

1 comment:

  1. It's always a "relish" to read your blog. Allow me to say a few things:
    1. According to some scientific research ( I don't have the complete details), a person spent about 3 years in bathroom in his life. Imagine you were locked in the bathroom for three years. You're talking about you felt like you spent 50% of your life in bathroom, and what if you lived until, say, 100 years old? Just kidding~~

    2. You have my sentiments. LAst week I got diarea ( I can never spell this word, forgive me) too. The best thing to do is eat nothing for a whole day or two if you're still bad and only drink water or eat plain porriage. Hope you're better now!!

    3. Tattoo. Should;ve see this one coming. If I ever get a tattoo (which wouldn't be likely AT ALL), I might opt for a Spongebob Squarepants. Well.

    Anyway. Nice meeting you *winked*
