
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Actually ...

I forgot to update about my nails. Yes this week is supposed to be neutral nails week but I was going for the rocker look so I thought I'd paint my nails rocke-ish ala Miyavi - colorful.

All nail colors are from Elianto. I used three colors: Shining Ebony, Yellow and *something something* (it's a slightly muted pink color, I didn't pay attention to the products sticker =P). Imagine a pair of hands laid flat on a surface side by side, then starting from the left pinky: black, yellow, black, pink, black, yellow, black, pink, black, yellow, all the way to the right pinky.

Anyways, I've been to Pyramid and back, and I don't have the glow in the dark condom because ... I dunno, they didn't bother to restock? Anyways I went for a tasteless, sugar-free coffee instead. Regretted. Should've got my mugcake, the one where you break an egg into the powder mixture, mix then microwave it for 2 minutes on high, then you get a huge, fluffy mugcake, but you have to eat it fast 'cause it dries up and hardens pretty quickly. =P

For lunch I had the McDees I wanted, but seriously, even Malaysian McDees is deteriorating. The chicken patty I got for my McChicken was smaller than the bun, when the most I can tolerate is the patty being the same size as the bun.

Surfing Facebook, and I came across the kind of photo that would make you go 'OMFG!'. I shall not disclose who the person is, but I'll give you a hint, I think the 2010 SMKBBSP SPM students would know who she is. She's phoney. She's short and she's (I won't say 'fat') really chubby and ... uh ... she wore a tank top and those mini-shorts for a photo on the beach, striking those "I'm America's Next Top Model" poses. I almost threw up my McChicken and fries.

Speaking of which, I saw the SAME tattoo guy twice today (I don't usually do that). First I saw him near the tables beside MPH on campus, with a tribal tattoo on the side of his right calf. Then while waiting for the shuttle bus back to campus from Pyramid, I saw him again. From the looks of it he's a new student, 'cause he asked Su about the shuttle bus details.

And speaking about tattoos I finally found the reknowned Black Cat Tattoo Studio which is located at Asian Avenue in Pyramid. From the outside (I'm too much of a coward to go into a tattoo studio alone =P), I would prefer the environment at Tribal Bodyworks in Sungei Wang Plaza. I don't know about the price, though. However, I do hope to get one of my tattoos done by Pit Fun Fun (visual kei fan and is lead guitar in his own band) at his studio called Exotic Tattoo in KOMTAR, Penang.

I think I'm gonna go broke just by doing tattoos and piercings. =__=|||

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