
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Christmas signifies the memory of the birth of Jesus Christ, usually celebrated extremely festively around the world. On the eve of Christmas, people usually gather at one place to countdown for Christmas, then exchange presents, which is one part of the holiday that many people look forward to.

I got my Christmas presents from Takashimaya (The Wallet Shop gym bag =]) and a few others from a few other people. XD On 23rd while tending to my virtual farm, Kenneth suddenly sent me a Facebook message telling me that there would be a countdown at his place and should make sure that I told XY... XD

Next morning woke up at around 8am, then got ready and walked to school for the PMR results retrieval event. As school magazine photographer, I was supposed to be present for events like this, take pictures and all that, but I had no camera and the teacher in charge didn't have the key to the editorial room, so the pictures had to be taken with my 2MP phone camera. =P

I waited till around lunch time only did I make my way home after picking up a few things from S&L. The walk to and fro school gave me a huge blister on my left foot. Oh yeah, I spotted a Ruki-impersonator at school.

Upon getting home my legs were killing me, seriously. I played a bit of Pizza Frenzy, ate some pan mee, then took a nice long bath. Near 7pm mum got home and I got ready for the countdown party, just B&W beach pants and my pink T-shirt. We picked Yeanchi up from her place, then headed to Kenneth's house at Taman Naga Emas. The party included Hong Shi, Pui Yee, Kha Mun, Jo Ann, Ee Von, Siew Ping, Kenneth, Wai Ken, Chiee Leong, Rong Sen, Xin Jie, Zhan Sheng, Yan Shan, Ting Sen, Jonathan, Tee Yen, Kok Ken, Ann Li, Yean Chi, Wan Qing & moi.

Mystery mocktail ingredients =P

For some reason, we went there way too early - Kenneth said 7pm, so we got there 7pm, but there was nothing to do except to wait for 12am and listen to him and Wai Ken jam on Wai Ken's electric guitar. Soon, the pizza Kenneth ordered had arrived - 2 royal masalas, 3 Hawaiian chickens and 2 pepperonis. After eating, we had a round of truth or dare, although since some of us weren't all that familiar with each other, the game was pretty much boring.

Near 12am, they started trading ghost stories while I played with Skippy, Kenneth's Yorkshire terrier (most likely, it looks like one =P) After 12, we walked to the nearby 7-11 to watch birds, supposedly. Once we were out of the house, we started calling people like XY & McD, shouting 'Merry Christmas' as they picked up the phone. We did the same thing in 7-11, which kinda surprised the employees there. XD Mum picked Yeanchi & me from 7-11 and we reached home at 1am, after a short trip in the car which involved a rather long lecture about the things that might have happened if we were caught by people, da da da...

Woke up the next morning, finding my godparents invading my room. XP We went out to MidValley (once again) to shop for the Christmas presents. =) I got my new school shoes, but couldn't find some nice but cheap sneaks like the pair I currently own. Concealer was also a no-go 'cause the only one I found was in Sasa, in the kind of lipstick pack, but priced at RM42.90, for a rather small tube. =P We had Nando's for lunch, did a little bit more shopping, then got some sundaes from McD then headed home.

CK started making a mushroom and bacon quiche by the time we got home. Dinner was as usual, except that CK was busy making her quiche. Just after dinner, godpa came home with one of his old classmates, bringing some ice-kacang home as well. We all had ice-kacangs, bits of quiche and a couple of baths before starting 'Anastasia'.

Breakfast was initially at The Nyonya 'One', but the place wasn't open, so we made a small detour and had our brunch at Old Town Kopitiam. I had a dry curry noodle and hazelnut milk tea, which was so heavy on the hazelnut that it was overwhelming to the point of nausea, seriously. Some PC time after arriving home, then got ready for dinner with godpa's old classmates from '69, I think. We were ready at 6pm, godpa got back at 7.

We went all the way to USJ for a fish head dinner at F4. Godma wasn't really enthusiasted. =P I felt seriously overdressed - V-neck top & jeans, boots, my gym bag XD, hoop earring on my left ear and chain mail earring on my right plus a biased ponytail. The dinner lasted till around 10, then we went to a classmates house at USJ5 (all bungalows, no joke man). We listened to the men talk about politics and other crappy stuff till 11, then went home.

Had some mango, some guitar serenading, then off to bed, although I had some difficulties falling asleep as I had a snoring choir on my right. =P Woken up rather unceremoniously to see my godparents off. Deraisined some banana walnut cake, saw them off, then went back to sleep till mum woke me up for lunch at Yang Kee (beef noodles =D).

Right now I'm trying to convert Bella's Lullabye's piano score into a guitar score, but to no avail. Some of the notes are too high, and there are not enough frets on my fretboard to accomodate those notes. =P

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