
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas shopping?


I went to church today (Abundant Life Baptist Church I think) with our hosts. We had hymns, worshipping, fellowship, etc. Saw Unc Patrick, Auntie Theresa (I think it's spelled like that =x), Joshua and Lydia for the first time in a few years there. It seems Lydia wasn't eating well and was malnutritioned (correct vocab?). Anyways, after church we had lunch at Foster's. I had a lunch set - Hokubee Fillet Steak (with walnut sauce~), soup of the day (clam chowder), dessert (orange crepes with fruits and ice cream) and coffee, all for S$16.80. We went home, did a little swimming at around 5+pm, then went for dinner at Boon Tong Kee in Katong. We had tofu, chicken, veggies, the typical Chinese dinner. While waiting for seats outside, Unc TW and I chatted about the cosplay stuff. XD It's so popular and yet I didn't know about it - there are cosplay events at Suntec City every Sunday. I'm gonna find the nearest cliff and throw myself off of it. =P



On to Daiso @ IMM~! You could say that this is my fave shop in S'pore - everything in there is sold at a fixed price of S$2, which is RM4.90 after the exchange rate, and trust me, most things in there are well worth the money. We (popo, mum, MX, KW Unc TW & moi) got loads and loads of stuff, mine were a black striped beanie and my mocha cupcake~ XD For lunch we got a table just opposite Daiso's checkout counters, called Hong Kong something. =P I had pork chop cheese baked rice, which was absolutely deelish, but my desert was more or less ruined - I ordered a honeydew sago dessert, but I got my cousin's mango pudding with sago and pomelo (too rich with too much sago). Grr... We then drove around to a mall near city hall (forgot the name, but the shops there are mostly wholesale stores). We browsed around and got some stuff - I got myself a black umbrella that doubles as a self-defense weapon.

We walked on to the next door Funan Digitalife Mall. We checked out the Sony Ericsson Aino (which was Unc TW and my dream phone~ XD We had some soya drinks at Jollibean (J Freeze coffee soya for me~), then went on to Excelsior Shopping Centre to check out the guitars. The moment I stepped in, I was like OMBMFG... It's a guitarist's heaven~! They got load of music shops, most of them specializing in guitars. We checked out Music Theme and Dave's Guitar the most, 'cause Unc TW just found out that I was planning to take up the electric after finishing the classic courses. We met Eunice there, then drove straight to LTN at Siglap for dinner after a stop at home for refreshments. XD

I had just realized that it was Monday when we were jamming in the living room. I tried to call Ammonite to tell them I was gonna bail, but just couldn't. It was only after we had finished dinner around 9.30pm (the time my class starts) that I finally found a way to call Ammonite. I felt like throwing myself off the tallest building then. Oh yeah, we had loads of stuff for dinner tonight, the highlight being the salted egg yolk crab and the black pepper crab~~



Godma took leave today and took us to Ngee An City for shopping. We had breakfast at Imperial Palace Nan Bei Restaurant - dimsum and such. After breakfast we shopped around in Takashimaya - Christmas present budget = S$50. I more or less only accompanied the people looking at stuff. And I noticed that the really good looking guys (those who fit in my category anyways XD) and those working there and not those shopping there. I think in a way that's a good thing, that means that the good looking ones are actually earning money to spend for themselves and not swiping away their parents' money. XDXDXD

I got myself a gym/tote bag which took up S$36 of my Christmas present budget, leaving me with S$14 more to spend. XD While walking to Paragon across the street after shopping at Takashimaya, we stopped by the ice cream stall right in front of the main entrance and had the party's favourite - ice cream sandwich, with bread. =) I had ripple while others had blueberry and chocolate respectively.

We shopped around Metro in Paragon, godma and mum got a couple new tops, while I was eyeing the maxi dresses. Something about maxi dresses captures my attention, maybe it's 'cause of the length of it... Anyways, I didn't get my dress, 'cause I wouldn't wear it all that often anyway, I was thinking of it as a CNY dress. We shopped till around dinner time, then drove to Old Hong Kong Kitchen at Novena. We got lost a couple of times 'cause the only direction we got was from godma, and she's not a driver. For dinner was really authentic and deelish Cantonese cuisine. Since the Kitchen didn't have the mango pudding with sago and pomelo dessert, we drove to Katong's Old HK Tea House for it. =)



I was woken at 5+am this morning to get ready to pick up the little bundle of joy from Clementi Ave 2. When we arrived at Natasha's unit, the parents weren't awake yet. My cousin woke up to find his bedroom raided by his parents. XD We waited till around 7am for the hot mom to pack everything Natasha needed for the whole day at nana's place. =) I dozed off during the trip back, then slept till 12pm when we got back. She wasn't used to the new play pen her nana got for her, so everytime she was put in it, a bout of crying was expected. By the time I was refreshed mum said we should go get lunch from LTN - cheap and nice and well worth the price.

We had our economical rice (mine was tofu, beans and fish cake~) at home, then spent the rest of the day at home as well as we had a little adorable girl with us. We went to the Clementi Food Centre for dinner - fish soup with rice, satay and otak-otak~! After dinner we went to browse a clearance sale - rock bottom prices of S$1-S$10. I got a tank, canvas pants and beach shorts, in gold. XD



We had little Natasha with us for another day, this time someone else was assigned to go help pick her up, 'cause I was just to tired. =x I had awaken near lunch time (again) and we were to go to Swensen's at Terminal 2 of Changi Airport for lunch. I had a Breaded Chicken Meuniere (more breading than actually chicken, honestly speaking), and the fish and chips were nice~ We had dessert, ice creams, so to speak. Mum and MX had Sticky Chewy Chocolates, KW and godma had banana splits, and I had myself a Frosty something. Of all things to forget I forget it's name, anyways, it's mocha (I think) ice cream, melted chocolate, chocolate chips, chocolate coated biscuit balls with whipped cream and a chocolate dipped wafer to top it off. Heavenly, but I preferred the Cookie Summit I had the previous visit~ =)

We walked around once again, stopping at The Body Shop and Periwinkle to browse. I want a concealer, but the one I saw at The Body Shop didn't have a price. >_< Dinner at Paradise Inn at last~! Located at Funan Digitalife Mall, the food there's deelish, that is, if you have the cash. =x My fave there's the salted egg yolk prawns and the coffee ribs~ Absolutely heavenly~~~



Last day here, so we were going for the infamour DuckTours at Suntec City. We had brunch from Toast Box at Food Republic, then went to the restrooms before the tour. To Singaporean citizens who don't know this: you get a 40% discount off the total amount you have to pay! Flash your ID cards~!!! Althought the tour was limited to the few places around Suntec City, there were actually many thing we didn't know about Singapore - the Singapore Flyer was once the tallest ferris wheel in the world, but is now replaced by the one in Beijing; the Saint Andrew's Cathedral was rebuilt twice as the first to buildings were struck by lightning; there are no rooms in the Raffles Hotel, but the Presidential Suite, complete with a butler, and a one night stay costs around S$8000, etc. The tour lasted for an hour, after that we had lunch at Food Republic again. I had a curry laksa and some stolen pork and century egg porridge and carrot cake. XD

What other to do but shop? XD We headed to Centrepoint and Orchard Centre on Orchard Road for shopping and some cooling coffee at Coffee Bean. We took the MRT home, then had a quick swim as MX hadn't swam at all 'cause of her monthly friend. =x It was Friday and there were some gatherings around the pool - a group of college kids chatting beside the pool and some freshmen or sophomores playing around at the staircase. Splish-splash and swimming competitions with vulgar language was more or less rather common nowadays, but when it came to bath time... OMG... Gals went to guy's showers and guys went to gal's showers. While MX and I were already dressing, the guys suddenly turned off all the lights in the shower, and those idiotic girls went screaming their heads off. So much to giving in to your enemies. =P

Before setting off for dinner at LTN, godma complained about those guys at the pool to the guard house. It seems that it was a teacher who brought them here. What happened to adult supervision? Anyways, we had a lovely dinner, then went to Hong Kong Tea House for a final round of mango sago pudding with pomelo. This round I tried the cream of walnut, didn't taste all that good till I added sugar. XP What I would give to actually live in Singapore - even the guys are my type. XDXDXD



I just remembered that I didn't exactly practice what I should have practiced on the guitar. My insides were churning. We started our trip home at around 11am. Before that KW suffered big time for having wet the bed. She slowly ate her noodles and I finished what was left of the log cake godma brought back. Some last minute packing and goodbyes and we were off. I slept from the time we passed Malaysian immigration, till around 2pm. We weren't 3/4 way there! There were traffic jams almost all the way 'cause it was raining and there were accidents, one of them a flipped car. O.O We reached home at around 4pm, then flash unpacked.

CK came home from 'work' then told mum that she was gonna go for some kind of reunion dinner with Amelia and Wisely. Wisely reminded me of Princess Ai, then I asked him whether he could pass the comics to CK. Initially he didn't know that CK was gonna go as well, but he passed them anyways. Thanks, Wisely~! XD

My dinner? Thin pasta with triple mushroom pasta sauce, straight from the pot. Watched the Rape of Europe till around 1am. That wraps it up. My Facebook photo uploader ain't working, so I'll post the pics later~ =)

Ps. Pics link here :

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