
Saturday, November 21, 2009


Yesterday was the best and considerably worst day of my life...

After a few days of planning, we finally planned our outing to Berjaya Times Square, mainly to watch the well awaited 2012. The party? - Yeanchi, her sis, Yuriko, Hui, Ling, Hsinyiee, Xinyi, Qing, Hongshi and moi. Ling and Hui were supposed to arrive at my place to wait for Yeanchi to pick us up althogether, but just te previous night of the outing they calcelled it 'cause... =x So next morning only Hsinyiee showed up at my place around 9+am, then we waited (while playing with mascara XD) till around 10am then went out to the street junction to wait for Yeanchi to arrive. Since I told everyone at home that I was off to school to help the teachers organize the returned books, I had to put up a small show. I wore the school carnival T-shirt over my black tank with my black jacket in my bag.

Yeanchi's dad dropped us off at the Bukit Jalil LRT station, then we got our tickets from a grouchy 'why-don't-you-buy-your-tickets-all-at-once' counter guy, then hung around to wait for Anneyeng, during which we met Khamun's group of 4. Around 11am, Anneyeng finally arrived (and also after I've took off the black carnival T-shirt and had everyone staring and teasing while I didn't cover up with the jacket =x). Another reason we were going to TS was 'cause Yuriko had sorta a date with his BF. XD She rushed out of the Hang Tuah LRT station and disappeared from our sight within a short time as her BF had already arrived there since we boarded, which was around 20 minutes ago...

We first went to the cinema on the 3rd floor to collect our tickets, then went around separately to shop. My main objectives was to get my helix and find a good quality eyeliner brush, and of course, have a good time with my buddies 'cause we might not meet till next year. We went around boutiques looking at bags, T-shirts, etc... Some of the girls got themselves some nice T-shirts, while I followed them around buying nothing as it will prove that I've been there and done that. XD We passed by a makeup shop, but I gave up the chance of going in and I couldn't find it after that.

McD was for lunch, right beside the roller coaste track... *shivers~* Ling suddenly disappeared for some time while we were eating and returned from the restrooms due to regurgitation of her breakfast. After we were all done, the whole gang went to the bathroom to relieve our bladders and freshen up. Yeanchi changed her sharp blue plastic point-toed flats to slippers 'cause it gave her blisters, while I had to endure mine, 'cause I didn't have any other 'suitable' shoes. We got out, then saw Yuriko with her BF in front of McD. =____= He sorta reminded me of Chan Hoong and Lance - around Yuriko's height, he could be considered short, but according to Yuriko, he worked as a chef (if my memory serves me correct), so that compensated for the height... XD

We then walked around again, and at around 2pm we started calling on the others to gather at the cinema. During which we stopped at a 4th floor stall to get my piercing. The stall worker was so casual that I really almost lost it. Within a few seconds, the deed was done - I GOT MY HELIX!!! So for now I have 6 piercings, although I plan to have, like Uruha-sama, 9 in total, I can only go for 8. >_<

We entered the cinema just in time, realizing that there was another escalator somewhere further from the ticket counter. We watched some really nice trailers, then the movie started and lasted for supposedly 2 1/2 hours, during which I was labelled as 'missing' by both my sisters and my mum, and Sam. After the movie Liyen called me to ask me where I was and told me that my sis was looking for me. Many phone calls and messages were made and sent respectively in pursuit of my location by my mum and Sam and Liyen.

We arrived at the Hang Tuah station and waited for the next train as the first was was filled to the brim including the long-forgotten Galvin Wong and his buddies, but I was in no mood to have reunions. My mum was calling me, inquiring my location and I just told her that I was at Liyen's place, and had went there since around 6pm. Yeanchi, her sis and I hitched a ride with Yuriko to Endah Parade to pick up her brother from roller skating. Then I hitched a ride back home with Yeanchi.

While I made my way into the house, I prepared myself for the worse - phone confiscation, grounded from going out for x months, Internet ban, etc, but to my greatest relief she believed my story that I was watching a movie at Liyen's house (what I told her during the past few days ahd some elements of truth in them, that I was going to be out of the house with some friends, that I was watching a movie, etc), and I only got a short lecture from her telling me that I have to tell her when I was going where the next time. My secret was safe with Sam, the only person I told yesterday during my rush back home.

The only thing now is to hide my helix as long as possible, but it won't be long before my bubble bursts.
Expenses for the day:
- LRT -- RM3.80
- GSC ticket <2012> -- RM13
- McDonald's lunch -- RM8.35
- Helix - RM12
Grand total = RM37.15#
Spent even less here than going to MV... =x
Camwhoring... =x
Friends for life - QiQi & Chean~
To JW: does this look like BeiBei or not? XD

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