
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Chocolate frenzy

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate~ Easily the most sinful snack you could eat, despite the calming and destressing effects and so on. It's more or less these effects that make you crave more, although the sweetness and utter creamy-ness of the chocolate could be a contributing factor. XD
Here's a simple recipe for my Sinful Chocolate Paste. I ate this as it is, but other variations should be alright. XD
4 squares Van Houten Baking Chocolate
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh milk
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1-2 tablespoons sugar
Melt the chocolate with the cream in a bowl over a simmering pot of water. Stir with a wire whisk, then add butter and cook till well combined. Add the sugar and stir till all melted into chocolate mixture. Remove from heat when a glossy mixture is obatained. Chill till slightly firm. Enjoy~!
Anyways, I made this three times and the second attempt was the most satisfying. I finally got round to going down to the Via Infinito below Bevelle in Final Fantasy X-2 to get the Cat Nip accessory in order to defeat the Angry Mainyu in Bikanel Desert. After several tries in several cloisters, I finally got it the first time, but then I met a stupid Mega Tonberry which killed my three characters with a few flares and a few Chef's Knives. Grr... Anyway, I've got my Cat Nip accessory and I'm down to cloister 50+, after the stupid Concherer which kept Megatron Press-ing and attacking my characters with its snaily tongue. Yuck~!
So obsessed with hyde now. You gotta give it to the guy - singer, guitarist, rocker, composer, lyricist, husband, dad ... seriously. And I'm finally watching 命中注定我爱你 - on YouTube, with super-slow loading and rather fuzzy visual. It's a good drama, although I've only watched till episode 4.
I love this look, and it has my fave colors~! =3

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