
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Social Psychology

I've never seen a person who could crack jokes with such a straight face. I was seriously LMFAO-ing! This person is my social psychology lecturer, Mr Philip. I have a gut feeling that this would be a rather interesting subject. XD

Now on the more mundane side of my day. I had mistaken my class to start at 10am today, so I told my mum that. Upon clearer inspection I realized that my class started at 2pm rather than 10am, but to avoid the flaming wrath of my mum's fury, I decided I'd just go along with what I said.

I didn't really regret it, but it was boring as hell. I first went to the computer lab to make some corrections to his manual and to print out my timetable (one for me and one for my mum for her easy reference). Then I went up to the 5th floor of the library, sit down, tried to play some NFS 510 on my PSP, then went to sleep with my jacket over me.

It wasn't peaceful - many times the position got awkward and some joints began ache, while some positions just cut off blood circulation to my legs. There were also the occasional small gang of people who, for some reason, have lots to talk about but sit really far apart from each other.

At around lunch hour I went down for, well, lunch. I didn't bring sufficient cash to afford the full priced Subway sandwich (I had a slight hunch that the Sub of the Day was sold out), so I went over next door to Face to Face Express and ordered my usual.

There a difference between Face to Face and Face to Face Express - the normal Face to Face restaurant is like the typical restaurant with waiters and such, like the one located in Seri Petaling (Jalan Radin Bagus, next to Asatei). Express is self-service, with a number system to speed things up. I personally prefer the self-service one. =P

Then on the way to class (an hour early), I stumbled upon an Elmo impersonator (you know who you are). God he made me wanna pinch his cheeks and coo at him (thank God I didn't 'cause it'll be so embarrassing).

My timetable is messed up, and my mum's looking for potential carpoolers. I really want to ask: "why not just get me a car?" I don't mind a crappy second-hand Proton Saga (the older version), though I would prefer non-local manufactured cars. Manual transmission, please.

Oh yeah, and about all this with the automatic and manual transmission thing. First my dad tells me to stick to manual because it's good practice. But just about a week ago he called and said it would be better for me to drive an automatic because "my skills on the real road with a manual isn't so good". He could gimme some credit. =P

Gotta post up the tiramisu pics soon - got a few dirty-ish photos to post up with the leftover sponge fingers. I've finally made a point to put a small watermark on everyone of my photos. Not that my blog is anything big, but I find that this is actually quite professional looking.

It's already Thursday!!! Can't wait till he comes back, 'cause I need some serious cuddling. There's a difference between cuddling a soft-toy and cuddling a real person. With the real person, he would cuddle you back, hold you tightly, skim his nose through your hair, let his chin tickle your shoulder, give you a couple of pecks on the face and whisper tenderly in your ear. A soft-toy can't do any of that.

One thing's for sure the 24th lunch meet-up is on, and I plan to abduct him on Friday night to help me with the tiramisu (again). Basically all those times I made tiramisu was to practice for this particular day. So I'll to double check the ingredients again and this time work more quickly - every single thing out of their respective cupboards and no more rummaging with panic through the shelves.

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