
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Food post II

Another food post, but the order of the pictures might be a little topsy-turvy. =)

Apple crumble with Baskin Robbins vanilla ice cream

"Cheese baked rice" from T-Bowl. Sucks. 

My first in-flight meal - kind of burger and sandwich, plus a cherry tomato and a couple of pickles 

A close-up on the burger thingy. 

Chocolate coins courtesy of Malaysian Airlines. 

Natasha's first birthday cake - a fresh mango cream cake which was absolutely delicious~

That day's business sucked, so our boss fried some rice for all of us. 

A noodle of some sort from T-Bowl. 

Iced-lemon tea and a mango sago dessert, also from T-Bowl.

Tomyam noodles from T-Bowl.

My all time favorite soy breakfast - Yonghe King. From left - fried egg, flour fritters and salty soy milk. 

Also from Yonghe King, a wrap made of an omelet and the inside is flour fritters. 

It was winter and China was all up for steamboat. 

The sesame dipping sauce for the steamboat. 

Read "suan mei tang", this is basically a sour plum juice or extract of some sort that is popular during winter. 

This is called "sha niao niu wan", or in English peeing beef balls. It's those kind of meatballs where there is a kind of soup enclosed at the centre of the meatball. 

Not a very clear picture, but this stall was selling cockroach kebabs, seahorse kebabs and live scorpions on sticks. 

"Gou bu li bao zi" originates from China, and is called that because of some story of a man who does his dumplings with so much concentration that he ignored everyone else whenever he was making them. 

"Zha jiang mian" from Yonghe King. 

Beef ramen. 

The "true" "zha jiang mian". 

Some kind of porridge from the restaurant right next to Yonghe King behind SciTech Hotel, Beijing. 

We found this in the hotel in Beijing. 

Steamboat again. =) 

Beef rice set from Yoshinoya in Beijing. Why Yoshinoya is deteriorating in Malaysia, I don't understand. 

Our first meal in Shenyang, from left clockwise - mashed potatoes, beef bones and beancurd skins. 

Nothing like some alcohol to warm up during winter. 

Food from a Taiwanese restaurant. Tasted delicious, but too bad I forgot what they were. =( 

 A mango dessert from the same Taiwanese restaurant.

Rice wine. 

A traditional Chinese restaurant near my dad's workplace in Shenyang. 

Forgot the name, but in Isetan (or Parkson I think) in Shenyang, there's a Japanese restaurant on the 7th floor. 

 Tempura set.
Salmon rice set. 

Beef rice set.

Melon ice cream with a small slice of dragonfruit. 

Korean side dishes for a Korean dinner. 


 Potato patties.
 Cold, long noodles~
The cold long noodles before I dug around in it. 

From Yung Ho, the flour fritters were at least 12-inches long, but the soy milk wasn't as nice as Yonghe King's. 

The mango cream cake for Natasha's birthday.

Natasha's birthday. The four combination cold platter - two kinds of meat, beancurd and duck tongues. 

Nope, it's not sharksfin soup. =) 

The seemingly mutilated prawn. 

The cream cake after division. @@ 

A green apple drink from Old Hong Kong Teahouse. 

Miniature egg tarts. 

"Polo" barbecued meat buns. =) 

I forgot what this was. @@ 

Mary's white chocolate with pistachios and raspberries. 

The matcha parfait from Pasta Zanmai. 

If you like cookies, then try out the Mendel Ziegel almond cookies. 

Mini bottles of liquor from SciTech Hotel. 

The Nando's quarter chicken in Mild with Peri Fries and Peri Potato Salad. 

The Borscht soup from Kim Gary.

Hong Kong style tea~ 

Cheese baked rice with fish. To me, cheese baked rices (despite their more expensive nature) are a more substantial meal. 

Chicken chop noodle. 

Delicious, delicious alcohol. XD 

I have no idea what screwed up the second picture, but this is the Shiroi Koibito (Japanese, translates into "white lover") cookies that are exclusive in Hokkaido and Narita's departure lounge. It's basically chocolate (both milk and white are available) sandwiched between two langue de chat cookies. The company, Ishiya, also produces various other kinds of cookies. 

 A pancake that came out looking like a walnut.
Again, I have no idea what happened, but if you can see it, this the strawberry shortcake, made by my sister. 

Pan-fried chicken chop with fried pasta. 

This was a ramen dish from Dragon-i in Mid Valley Megamall, and it disappointed. 

The three cheese sandwich from The V on Taylor's Lakeside. The three cheeses are Parmesan, Cheddar and Mozzarella. However, I think it would have tasted nicer if the sandwich was toasted a bit.

Despite my passion for the root beer float and the ludicrously expensive waffle with ice cream, I now know why A&W isn't surviving in Malaysia. 

My tempura soba set from Sogo's Japanese Restaurant. 

Frozen yogurt on Lakeside Campus. 

I normally don't really like peppermint flavored stuff, but this work really well to help cure colds, and I kinda like my milk flavored with peppermint. 

Got this from Daiso. Regretted 'cause it was really tasteless and there was too much milk for my taste. 

The chocolate flavored Snogurt. 

The chicken schnitzel sandwich from Backofen. Breaded and deep fried chicken sandwich, served with either potato salad or grilled potatoes, priced at RM9. 

I only remembered to take the picture after I was halfway through devouring it - beef cordin bleu from William's. 

Beef stroganoff from Ecoba on Lakeside Campus, served with mashed potatoes. Too much peppers for my taste, and overcooked beef. 

The cheese sandwich from Grub Bistro that gave me diarrhoea. 

Chocolate mousse with raspberry flavored cream sauce~ 

Chocolate pudding with custard sauce. 

 Creme caramel from The V.

The monster-sized juices from Williams. The blue cup is a normal cup of iced tea. So imagine having this with enormous portions of meat. @@

Ramen from B-Station at Lakeside Campus. 

 Me likes this. XD

My second cup of ChaTime - Fairy Vanilla Milk Tea with less sugar and slight ice. I regretted the less sugar option though it's better for me. >< 

 Made by the twerp, fried chicken and franks, and a bowl of mushroom soup.

Pizza beef paratha from Hot 'n' Roll. 

Vegetarian shepherd's pie from The V, which also gave me diarrhoea. 

Pasta Zanmai's strawberry parfait. 

The three cup chicken rice from Formosa. Formosa is a Taiwanese franchise restaurant in Malaysia. 

Pasta Zanmai's spicy unagi pasta. 

Face to Face's signature dish - the specialty noodle. What it is - pan mee, fried anchovies, minced pork, an egg with a still-runny yolk and that little dish of blackness is actually their special chilli, which you add to the noodle and mix it all up before eating. You could adjust the amount of chilli according to your liking, but just keep in mind that the chilli is quite hot.

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