
Monday, June 20, 2011

Another pic-less post

I finally found my C6-00 USB cable, turns out it was snugly stored in the original box along with the manual and warranty card. ==! So now I can finally post pics!! BUT!!! (There's always a 'but' to these statements =P) it turns out my laptop's charging point is loose, so it had to be sent back to Acer for repair (thank god for warranties XD). I have no idea how long it's gonna take, but what the hell.

Sunday was 'filming food documentary' day for Crystal, Su and moi. Destination: Sungei Wang Plaza. Makeup? Accentuating brown shadow (Maybelline Trio Eyeshadow in Three Chocolate) and close-to-perfect winged liner. I finally ditched my Elianto Stay-On liquid liner 'cause the packaging was failing on me and now I'm using REVLON'S!!! I love it! Contrary to Elianto's it-dries-filmy-and-shiny formula, this one works like a marker and is what I think good liquid liners should be. XD

As much as I'm desperate to blog about our activities that day, I shall not 'cause supposedly there are some other groups who are doing the same thing but haven't gone round to doing it yet. This is solely to prevent the big P - PLAGIARISM. I'll keep you updated anyway, but I had a real look under all the self-confidence and outgoing-ness of both of my group mates, and I can say that I'm actually quite lucky.

I gotta say, I've found a Taiwanese restaurant that tastes a lot better than Taiwan DAMI. Yes I know this is betrayal, but this is my blog, so I'm entitled to expressing my own views. =P That being said, these are solely my own opinions and does not represent anyone else's thank you very much. Two DAMI specialties - 'Sun Bei' chicken rice and braised pork rice, are also the specialties of Formosa, and I personally prefer the Formosa versions of both. =X The drinks were honestly also better.

Two presentations tomorrow - Moral and IMW. Drake has done the entire group the liberty of doing everything for us, all we have to do is present it accordingly. As for IMW, I only started looking for points this morning, when I had all weekend to do it.

I know why Equitrac blocked me now, the system works on a credit basis. I had too many things and insufficient credit, thus the error code 016-560. =P I topped up, and there goes my RM5. T__T I'll need to borrow 90sen today, guys. =X

This time, I'm not gonna plan anything on Friday to avoid any more crying-myself-to-sleep nights. He's gonna plan everything, and tell me only on Thursday, so I won't get any hopes up.

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