
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

College life

So this is what happened: on April 1st 2011, my mum and sis dragged me to Taylor's University wanting to sign me up for college after waiting for so long. Intakes are available in January, March, June and another month. Classes for the March intake started on the 4th and that's what I was signed up for.

Can you believe it? 3 WHOLE MONTHS OF PLAIN WORKING NOT PREPARING FOR COLLEGE AND SUDDENLY SHE WANTS ME TO START CLASSES, A WEEK LATER!!! I was hoping that she'd give me some more time and prepare for the June intake, but noooooo I've waited long enough. =P

So on 4th April 2011 (Monday), I started my first day of college at Taylor's University Lakeside Campus studying Foundation in Communication. On the day I registered, I attended a half-hour briefing on the programme I was taking, and I realized that the entire body of March intake was divided into Group 1 and Group 2, and since I registed extremely late, my name isn't on any list yet. Heck it isn't even on BlackBoard 7 yet, where all the notes and assignments and announcements are posted.

Anyway, today is only my second day and I'm already assigned to a group of 10 for a community service thing for moral ed. So far things are good, got some new friends, classes are also still okay. For now I've classes from Monday to Thursday, spanning from 8am to 6pm, some with 2-3 hour gaps in between, which really made me wonder what the hell I'm supposed to do in these empty hours. I spent those hours in the library yesterday, I seriously have no idea what I'm gonna do today. =P

Oh yeah, I haven't asked Mr Winston about my grouping yet. =P

1 comment:

  1. Haha- don't you just love wacky gaps in class schedules?

    Typically, my friends and I will go out for food or else find somewhere nearby to hang out. :] Sometimes, I'd even go 'home' (back to my dorm room), since I lived on campus and none of my classes were more than a 10 minute walk away.

    Congrats on starting university~~.
