
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Like a typical exam essay

Those who went to Chinese primary schools in Malaysia would most probably remember the essay exercises we were sometimes given - 最倒霉的一天. Basically it translates into 'the unluckiest day'. So your content should include something like getting up late for school, wearing the wrong shoes, taking the wrong school bag, being chased down the street by the mangy stray, arriving at school and discovering that it was a school holiday. Something like that.

You could add as many unlucky things as you like, including stepping on dog crap and have a hateful pigeon shit on your head. Or when you arrive at school, you suddenly remember that there's actually a test today. So on and so forth.


Yesterday was something similar to that kinda essays, but slightly less ... dramatic. I woke up in the morning, remembering that my sister had complained that her brows have overgrown slightly. So naturally I (the brow-shaping pro in the house XD) would be the one to help her trim them. I got shot down by my mum.

It's something like Russell Peters said, 'Have you ever felt your penis invert?' Except for the fact that I lack a penis but I still have an ego. Talk about pouring cold water over my confidence. The reason why they see me fiddling with my brows all the time is because stray hairs keep growing.

After that I ate brunch then had some online time. Before I was able to complete everything my dad called me down to be his 'electrical assistant', and today's lesson was light socket diagnosis. Basically you test the different parts of the light to see which part is faulty and replace it.

After finishing that diagnosis, we then moved on to light cleaning. 13 years ago when my parents bought our current house, they opted for the on-promotion lights, with 7 glass components and 8 bulbs. We just washed up the removable parts then replaced them.

Before all that was the vacuuming and mopping of the upstairs floor. We had family coming over for a couple of days, so the floor should be free of any dirt or whatnot. Then we had to move the preposterously huge king-size mattress from my mum's room to a space upstairs as to accommodate a couple of people.

Then after all that was done, Yuriko said that we were meeting up with Yiee who just came back from NS for the CNY holidays. Venue? Kinrara Curry House aka mamak. I was like ... huh? Even if you were to choose a mamak, why not choose Mirasaa instead?

Anyways, Yiee came to my house and we walked out together. I made a detour to Taiwan DAMI to inquire some terms about my employment (I'm starting work on February 7th!), but I found it closed.

We walked to The Store where Yuriko was waiting, then Yeanchi called to say that she was at the numbered pan mee stall right outside of The Store. I was like ... huh? Again. But majority preferred pan mee to mamak food. We first got some bubble tea, ate our noodles, then started shopping for collared T-shirts.

I bought (much to my mum's surprise) another pair of false lashes. Dunno how long they will last, dunno how good the quality is, but for RM1 per pair, it was tempting. XD They got their collared T-shirts (aka Polo shirts), then we walked around till we were at the Yamaha junction going into the food area.

For the love of God! Can't he just disappear off the surface of the earth?! And to let me see him! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I pushed that out of mind, 'cause we were then all standing at a DVD stall choosing and haggling. We all got Korean dramas, for RM5 per disc. It's even cheaper than my mum's DVDs. XD I got the new Jang Geunsuk drama - Marie something... =P

My mission to seek out a nice shirt was unsuccessful - all the shirts at the pasar malam were men's cut. And those at The Store were havoc. So I think I'll just wait for someone to go out sometime then get one or two shirts, or perhaps shorter lengthed trench dresses of some sort.

In total, we visited 5 stalls (Polo shirts, DVDs, wallets, accessories x2) and lingered at each stall for around 10-15 minutes. And I only bought something at one of the stalls. Why take so long? I tell you, guys - women are indecisive creatures when it comes to shopping (most of the time). It just depends on how long they spend being indecisive.

Girls like me do all the research I want, find it, choose the color, size and cutting, price check - it can be done under 5 minutes. I seriously dunno why some girls can take up to a half hour in a shop deciding on a few items that sometimes look just as hideous.

I have a hunch that you're thinking - 'what's so unlucky about the day?' I'll tell you this - any day that I even see his back is an unlucky day. And to see him just before CNY. @#$%^&* !!!!!!!

Right now my house is jam-packed - 16 people under one roof. I'm so not used to 16 voices conversing at once. And then there's the baby girl~ Previously she'd just fall into my arms and let me snuggle her. I think it's because the long time of alienation, and the sudden increase of people. Oh well, I'll just have to keep trying. XD

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