
Saturday, February 26, 2011


The post was supposed to be titled 'Spending spree' and stuffed with stuff about my day out at MV, but I couldn't bring myself to complete the goddamn post. Why? Because after calculating everything, I'm short of RM50 a.k.a RM50 is missing. I searched every where, recalculated numerous times, but still ...

Anyways I'm still gonna blog about the spending spree, along with some other info. =P I took half a day's leave for this shopping spree initially, but I took the rest of the day off in the end. Why? Because I'm too chicken to go home by myself while my friends watch a movie. I also almost died worrying myself about how I was to explain this to my mom. =P

Anyways here's what I bought:
  1. Mum's surprise (and expensive) birthday present - L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil
  2. Extreme latte (the buy one free one) at San Francisco Coffee
  3. A thank you card and a birthday card from Memory Lane
  4. A Hotlink SIM card
  5. Pink headphones from a stall called The Marker
  6. The A.N.Jell Pig Rabbit 35cm stuffed toy from Presents4Them
  7. 3D movie tickets for The Green Hornet, which was a complete waste of my money
  8. A chocolate waffle cake from Nelson's just before heading home

The MAIN objective was not fulfilled, which is ... a secret. =P But I've been pulling my hair out and killing all my brain cells just because of it.

In total I spent RM146+, and I brought around 200 with me. So now RM50 is missing 'cause all I have left is around 2 bucks (which sucks).

* * *

Yesterday's work was like punishing me for taking a day off and lying - the people were pouring in!!! All at one time!!! Last time before I worked there the superiors called Tinh, now they call me, which adds to the extra load.

The good news is, I'm getting familiar with the kitchen staff! I have finally identified all of them by face and name. Vin is the one with gold hair, Sao is the tiny but mighty one, D.B.S is the big Nepalese guy, Hoan is the guy with the mole (=P) and Lian is the one who usually does the sandwiches and the only female in the kitchen.

Since I have more contact with Raymond and Tinh, I'm closer to them than to the others, and laugh about stuff. It may not look it, but Tinh is actually the oldest of the three of us. Raymond is 19, I'm 18 and she's 24.

One thing's for sure I'm gonna go back there even after finishing my work. Since I know roughly when the restaurant would be fairly empty, I'll just go around that time so that they can rest and at the same time I can try out the things on the menu that I'm so curious about. XD

Another thing's for sure, I'm gonna miss them when I've stopped working. I've always judged foreigners before, 'cause some of the encounters with them were pretty nasty, but after working with so many for so long (if you think 3 weeks is long), I've come to learn that people aren't always as they seem.

* * *

My dear's having his resit tests tomorrow, and I've set up to boycott him till he finishes so that he can concentrate better. Sometimes I feel like a failure of a girlfriend - he's down, he's frustrated, he's pissed, and I really dunno what to do to cheer him up.

* * *

28th I'm having my undang test, and I'm gonna die 'cause I haven't studied in like 2 weeks. Anyways if I get to go home early I hope I can squeeze in a movie with dear on the same day. It's been a while since our last date. ♥

I have a couple of movies which I'm dying to watch - Black Swan (Natalie Portman) and Burlesque (Cher and Christina Aguilera). Both of which are showing at around the same time on 28th, but I booked Black Swan 'cause I don't think my dear would be interested in musicals, especially if it involves burlesque. =X

Anyways I've always been thinking about what might happen in our relationship during my college years. He still has around a year and a half and god know's how long mine is gonna last. I just hope this will last for a lifetime.

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