
Monday, January 17, 2011

Super random

I've got a jumble of thoughts in my head right now. I just need to write it out.

Firstly, I'm broke. If I cleared my IOU with my dad, I have exactly RM1 left in my pocket. I do have an extra RM18, but that already became my emergency fund. =P Lucky thing I asked my mum about the color lenses, that way I don't have to fork out as much. Things I still have on my shopping list:

1. a face brush
2. a blush brush for precise applications
3. a Kabuki brush
4. a few eye brushes
5. a contour palette
6. some false lashes
7. a reliable brand of eyelash glue
8. a good concealer
9. a good liquid foundation
10. a duo-fiber brush
11. a lip liner perhaps?
12. a good white eye pencil
13. an eye pencil that is similar to the Elianto Stay-on but more solid

My life schedule is more or less back on track now. I used to sleep at 3-4am and wake up in the afternoon. Now I'm sleeping at around 1-2am and waking up at around 10-11am, sometimes rolling around in bed until 12pm. At least I'm getting up in the morning rather than afternoon now. =P

Right now I'm leaving my hair to grow (again), but a recent hairstyle trend is starting to get to me. The shaved side trend. It's on Key of SHINee and American singer Cassie (though her version is a little weird). I think the key to mastering this look is to have some sort of bangs. Key's hair in the pic (Lucifer MV) looks up-swept but he has something at the front, whereas Cassie's is completely side-swept.

I have yet to fully experiment with my 120 palette, but I'm still nervous about how some looks will look with green irises. I'm determined to get green, but the blues also look pretty. Dilemmas, dilemmas... You can't live with'em, you can't live without'em. *sigh~*

My house is now prone to SHINee-phobia. It's a new phobia where an individual has an intense fear of SHINee music, due to the overly repetitive playing of SHINee music in the house on speakers and not on earphones. Not that their music is not good, but some alternating of music would be nice.

Why the hell am I hungry at this time of night? I did eat, I ate all meat, I shouldn't be hungry at this time!!! I ate mushroom chicken and practically a whole piece of assam stingray!!! And now I'm craving chocolate mousse, mushroom and bacon quiche, cream of pumpkin soup, and crepes with fruits and vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce and ... STOP!!! Must ... maintain ... self ... control ... ... ... ... ... I'll be right back, I'll just pop downstairs for a couple of crackers, and a piece of chocolate, and perhaps a slice of the chocolate cake in the fri- *SLAPS* Alright, just a couple of crackers ...

Usually when I purchase something and go home only to find it malfunctioning, I either get it fixed by a professional, sell it, or just throw it away. I would rarely try to make it function by moving components in a complicated circuit which I'm not familiar with.

Lucky thing my dad made me go through some PC bootcamp in my earlier days. Whatever needs repairing or such in the house, and if I am in the house, then he'll call on me to help him. I've helped him with the driveway lights, the autogate, the printer and the monitor. At least I know what certain cables look like and know the surface of troubleshooting (whether it's the monitor's or the CPU's problem =P).

Korean bands are abundant, but many of them are almost all copies of each other - singing and dancing. Very few of them actually play instruments, with the exception of CNBlue and FT Island. The few sing-and-dance bands that stand out to me are BigBang, Super Junior (due to the sheer number in their group), Girls' Generation (aka SNSD), Beast (aka Best) and TVXQ (aka DBSK aka Tohoshinki), my favorite being BigBang. XD

I need to start studying for my driving theory test coming this Saturday. And damn that time I was still half asleep when my sis dragged me out of the house to the office to get me registered. The lady did explain everything but I was just staring at her and spacing out. *sound in --> cO.Oכ --> sound out*

I also have to concentrate of getting rid of the GINORMOUS breakout on my forehead. I need to trim my hair. I think we'll be getting the hair thing done along with the lenses thing when we head out the next time, which is to Mid Valley.

Another stress point - going out. Whether it's with the BF or the gang, it's muthafuckin' troublesome especially when my mum needs to know about it. She might as well add some paperwork in the process - time, venue, date, activities, expenses, objective of going out, mode of transport, list of people who are going, list of telephone numbers of people going, etc. I really can't wait till I'm 21. =P

On the other hand, I hope time won't pass to quickly. I want more time to savor and cherish the moments that we all have together. Okay, I'm starting to sound like I'm reading from a drama script - super cheesy. =P

I'm feeling the need for ... ALCOHOL!!! Dunno whether my mum will stock up on the beer this year, let alone the shandy. A mojito would be nice - minty and strong with alcohol~~~ Ooooh~ And perhaps some Cordin Bleu cognac on the rocks? Oh yeah~~~

I'm used to using normal, wooden pencils again. Previously I was so accustomed to the feel of plastic mechanical pencils that holding and writing with a wooden pencil seemed alien. Though I still prefer to use mechanical pencils, due to their precise-ness.

Well, the Z's are starting to scroll through my head, so I guess I'll end here. *snooze*

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