
Friday, January 7, 2011

Makeup & music addiction + some completely random stuff

When I was 10 years old, I don't think my family ever imagined that I'll become the makeup and rock music obsessed teenager that I am now.

Even as a kid, I was overweight (lost some of it already, I'm now categorized as 'chubby' =x). Friends and family labelled me as the 'fat kid', 'cause at that time, my sister was skinny as can be and no one else in the family was even near my size. I was a real ignorant kid - I would judge new classmates before even knowing their names, then would just blabber out crap then wonder later why they didn't like me.

In kindergarten, I only had one good friend, a friend whose name was really close to mine (in English) and constantly confused by the both of us - Loh Shi Jian. Yes, he was a guy. We used to have Chipsmore under the table. He and I were the oldest in the K1 class.

When I went up to primary school, I only found that he went to the same school as me in standard two. We were never of the same class, but kept in touch. Secondary school was another story, though - we went our separate ways, but around a week ago I saw him again! Since primary school he's had this red eye thing, and he still does. My stupid ego got in the way and I didn't even say hi to him. Grar.

As a kid I listened to whatever my parents listened to - Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Jackie Cheung, etc. Then in primary school I was influenced by Britney Spears, partially due to my new MP3 player and MP3 music CD my dad got me. That CD is long-gone, disappeared among all my trash. =x

Form 1 marked the start of my Japanese obsession - I started to listen to Japanese anime songs first, only after Animax was on Astro did I start listening to J-pop. I rummaged my way through Gackt, hyde, Miyavi, the GazettE, etc. In my first two years of secondary school, I usually sat in front of the TV while waiting for the bus, the channel locked on Hitz.TV.

My music archive slowly expanded - Japanese and English came first. Then after some influence from my gang, I listened to Chinese music. Then came Sorry Sorry and Boys Over Flowers - my Korean music archive expanded. Right now I'm expanding my J-rock/visual kei music archive.

As for my obsession with makeup, well, you could say I have always been a vain kid - I liked to dress up and was absolutely delighted when I was allowed to apply just a touch of lipstick. It was until my shoulder length hair got cut into a real close crop that I started to lose confidence in my appearance - I liked to be girly with long hair, and wanted to be slim like the other girls. Instead my hair was no different than the boys' hair in school and I was overweight (confirmed so during one health-check at school).

Form 1 started and I was much more self conscious - I already had my long hair, but it was continuously grown for 2 years non-stop without any trims in between, so it was hideously shapeless. I was at the peak of my weight at that time, and I mean this literally - I was FAT!

Then slowly, with disciplined exercise (that discipline is more or less totally gone now) and more selective eating, I lost around 5kg and kept it that way till now. My girls bought fashion and entertainment magazines now and then, and the contents were usually about the clothes in fashion, how to wear certain pieces, how to get the 'candy girl' look, how to do your hair, etc.

Brown eyeshadow was my favorite back then - we had the mini-palette (three colors) and the tutorial in the magazine was for the 'neutral day look', which I still haven't mastered till now. I usually overdid it and made me look as if I hadn't slept for 48 hours. =P

Then I started playing with whatever was in my mum's makeup drawer, making myself look like a clown in the process. I didn't know the basic rules to makeup, so what I usually did was really dark eyes with OMG vampire lips. This continued until I actually took the time to do some research online, subscribed to some YouTube gurus' channels and followed beauty blogs.

The ultimate motivation, I think, was (again) by Uruha - the false crease eye makeup was unique, and till now I still can't get both sides balanced. I went through MissChievous, Michelle Phan, Emeraude, Petrilude, etc. I was addicted. I am addicted - I can't go out of the house without a couple of swipes of mascara, some face powder (to reduce facial oil) and some lip gloss ... most of the time.

The makeup products I owned increased in quantity, usually without the need of spending money, as many of the products were given by my aunt (and they're not cheap stuff). I went through numerous magazines and beauty blogs, finding out the best brand for each product (usually drug store brands).

Now? I've converted from super-dark smokey eye freak (smudged eyeliner~) to the bare necessities. Keep this in mind girls - guys like girls without much/any makeup, in general. So just dab a bit of concealer on your dark circles and blemishes, do your brows (if you feel the need to), mascara, lip gloss, and you're done~!


Through lots of reading and listening, everyone in Malaysia knows that the crime rate is fairly high in the country. Yet, there are still some bimbos who fling their phones and money around in a pink, ruffly pouch at the side of a walkway, where cars pass by. Micro-shorts, 'auntie'-like clothes, very false-looking false lashes, 16.0mm circle lenses, ballerinas/sandals and an impossibly tall bun perched precariously on her crown. If (touch wood) a snatch thief does happen to come by, then she'll start complaining and bawling on Facebook/Twitter.

Also through experience, some guys are oblivious to the fact that girls are generally self-conscious creatures. In my instance, my weight problem. My weight had reached an all time low (not as low as those stick-thin girls), and I was proud of myself. What my uncle said was, "She's got the shape, but she's still a little chubby." =.= I think my other aunts 'confronted' him later on, 'cause the next few times I saw him, he would always say, "Hey! You lost weight again!"

I don't claim to be slim, but I'm not fat either, though I feel myself much bulkier than some other girls we sometimes see on the street (which includes the bimbos). There are pros and cons to being slim/thin - what you are is just thin, no boobs and no ass (generally applied to those extremely thin ones who seem like they're anorexic), no waist either. Me? I'm proud of my curves - though my hips are effing wide, I have a waist (thick hula hoops are the way to go~!) and a chest, which are the things most skinny girls lack. XD

I woke up at 7am on Saturday morning, not knowing that I've mistaken the undang lecture day. After simple prepping, we were out, waited till around 7.40am (we were supposed to be there at 7.30am), then went back home after no person or said van appeared. I tried to go back to sleep, but my conscience got the best of me - I had promised dad to help with the CNY cleaning, and I had told mum that I'd help her with washing the driveway. Finished at around 9am, took my bath and here I am. Boy, cleaning has never been so tiresome - blisters on my hands, my back feeling like it's about to snap, and my legs are like jelly. Oh yeah, and nausea from the lack of breakfast. Now I know why people go to the doctor when they get body aches - it's seriously hell. Oh, here we go, 'headache' just popped it for a visit. =x

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