
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have a very weird neighbor - the entire family (consisting of around 10 people) doesn't seem to require sleep at all. And living next to them is like living next to a drama set: there was once when one of the older guys in the family went out drinking till late at night and the younger punk went to pick him up from wherever he was drinking. The punk said something to him and a fight ensued, practically the entire family was awaken, so was the entire street. A few moments later ... deng deng deng deng~~~ the cops came.

Then just last night, the same drunk guy (this time sober) burst out on the phone at approximately 1am, seemingly at his wife. While I was watching I saw some curtains part at the opposite house where Sasha was. Anyways, whatever was the problem, it was settled, and let's hope he doesn't make any rackets in the middle of the night again.


STRAIGHT TO THE POINT!!! I finally opened up my 120 Palette today to try out a couple of looks from Padmita's Makeup Blog ( The initial objective was to find a suitable look for CNY that would match the whole CNY theme + my pale pink dress. The only other few products I used were: Elianto Stay-On Liquid and Pencil liner and Lancome Hypnose mascara (without curler).

I'll use Haze Long's ( 120 Palette color chart for reference here. (link:


What I was aiming for was something feminine-ish but still unique and eye-catching. I went through a few pages of Padmita's blog, and found this look first. It's a pastel-y colorful look that signifies the blossoming flowers of spring and the burst of color.

The only thing I lacked in the entire look were white eyeliner and the falsies, because I don't have any in the first place. It's a little messy, 'cause it's my first time working with highly pigmented shadows and there was lots of fallout. Plus, I was short of brushes. =D And I also missed the little bit of pale blue below the flowers (color blobs) at the outer corner.

Makeup: originally by Padmita's Make Up
I used:
  • Shade 120 for the inner corners
  • Shade 36 for the center of the lid and lower lash line
  • Shade 65 for the outer corner and socket
  • Shade 98 above the lid
  • Shade 86, 79, 38 and 118 for the extreme outer corner (lines)
  • Very thin lining (liquid) on the outer half of the upper lash line
  • Shade 8 on the outer lower lash line (can be substituted with smudged pencil or gel liner)
I didn't use primer or anything, it was an impromptu decision to do this, actually.


I actually screwed up the next look initially, but people seem to like it better than Spring is in the air!, my mum and sis anyways. =x Same as the previous look, no base whatsoever.

Makeup: originally by Padmita's Make Up
I used:
  • Shade 2 for the inner corners
  • Shade 45 for the entire lid and lower lash line
  • Shade 8 for the false crease thing (=P)
  • Shade 40 above the false crease
  • Shade 38 & 35 for the bigger flower
  • Mixture of pink shades (34-40 & 44-50) for the six-petal flower
  • Shade 16 between the bigger flower's petals to bring out the warmth of the pink
  • Eyeliner on upper and lower lash line
I'm never really good with winged-out eyeshadow shapes, but this one turned out pretty well. This proves that practice really does make perfect. XD


I never really had so much fun playing with makeup before - I usually had a limited palette of 50 or so colors, most of them being the same shades of brown or beige. This was a real experience for me. Pity I'm no makeup guru yet, nor do I own an actual camera. And I think I could do with some skin improvement first. =P

Padmita obviously had more materials on hand, so my try will definitely look less perfect. I'm still in the 'learners' category of makeup people, so don't hate me. =)