
Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year post

2010 was a real heck of a year - my SPM year, the exam that would more or less determine my future. More tears than usual were shed during this year, some that I feel are a waste of my feelings, some just plain hopeless tears.


The year started out like any other year, with the difference of the presence of a kind of heavy feeling - it would be our last year together, and after that, we might not be able to do stuff together as often anymore.


Anyways, I ponteng-ed a lot more this year, I think the total number is up to 20? And on one of those regretted times, I started a regretted relationship. Don't get me wrong, the relationship itself was nice, but then stuff went bad when it ended. I hate people who constantly beg the other to give them another chance, don't do this, bla bla bla. So I think I'll have some phobia in future relationships.


I also got my first official pair of color lenses this year (as you have seen in many of my previous, usually makeup related, posts) - FreshLook Colorblends in Amethyst. These only lasted for a month, I wore them like I wore clothes (I did give my eyes rest) and I wore them even past their expiry date, which is the partial reason why I got terrible migraines I think.


Sir Duke Lancelot aka Latte Shoopuf (full name) aka the naughty American Cocker was given away after three years of having him in the family and about exactly a week before his 3rd birthday. God I still miss him. T.T


And this is the year where I splurged much more - I think it's karma, 'cause the Chinese believe (if I'm not wrong) that every part of the ears, eyes, nose, etc represents your luck in life. According to my grandma, my ears are the 'money earners'' ears. And what did I do, I made (for now) 8 holes in them and stretched one beyond what normal society would call ... well, normal. By doing this, I made a large 'hole' in my 'wallet'. I've been spending rather recklessly this year, but at least I got to save the RM100 I owe dad for my current phone.


Also something drastic, I cut my hair BACK to shoulder length when I swore to myself earlier in the year that I will leave my hair alone and only trim when needed. I even bought hairspray and a teasing comb, for heaven's sake! When will I start leaving my hair alone? *sighs*


Though this year's birthday didn't involve a dinner date with the gang, I was pretty touched~ What I got as a birthday present this year (though extremely late) was ... quote Gru: 'pause for effect' ... the Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara I was craving at that time, plus a huge birthday board with wishes from the entire class, plus something special at the back.


I also updated my blog lots more than I did last year. Though some of them are really weird, nonsensical posts. =.= Also made a change to the blog - rather than just words and words and words, I make it a point to take pictures or look for them on Google (so be noted: a lot of the pics on this blog aren't actually mine).


My first and second Korean dramas were watched this year - Boys Over Flowers (my dear, dear Lee Minho) and You're Beautiful (Jang Geunsuk!!!). My Korean music archive has definitely expanded, and Korean vocabulary as well. Though the desire to actually learn the language isn't as strong as wanting to learn Japanese or Spanish.


Oh yes! I got a piercing that I would never have thought of getting - an inner conch piercing. If you dunno what it is, you could Wiki or Google it. Since F1 the only two types (or three) of piercings I thought of getting were the lobes and the helixes. I thought of brow and lip piercings, at one point I even wanted a tongue piercing, but never in my 17 years I would have thought of getting this piercing.


Probably the most memorable thing that happened this entire year was the trip to China (OMG, it feels so long ago). Ever since a kid, the only OTHER country I went to was Singapore, which more or less counts as another city to me, 'cause the cultures are so alike, only with cleaner streets and better laws. =P The trip to China was an eye-opener. I mean, I've seen pictures and stuff, but seeing and experiencing these things for yourself is a whole different thing! The very first thing that happened actually started my determination to try experiencing the world by myself (though most of the time I chicken out at the last minute) - my dad mixed up the dates of his train, so he was gonna be late, and called one of his colleagues to take us to the hotel. Being the only one fluent enough in Chinese, I had to be the 'translator'. But the food part (fast food only), they could take care of themselves due to good ENGLISH. XD

And I experienced WINTER TEMPERATURES FIRST HAND. My nose was running all the time and even in a down jacket, around three layers of long pants, leather gloves and boots, I was wishing that I was under a comforter. Within the first day, I rendered my boots unwearable (my darling high heeled boots... T.T) and got new sport shoes which are super comfy - Li Ning, the best local-in-China brand in the whole country (not counting Nike, etc).

I saw where the past rulers of the vast land lived, their wives, concubines, servants, etc. The technology they had, the ingenuity of the creations and apparatuses are just astounding (that's a sentence packed with words I don't usually use XD). I've also seen real snow (though not falling snow, still looking forward to that), around 2 inches thick, right after it snowed in Shenyang. I played on a huge, white frozen lake and ate genuine Chinese food, made by the Chinese for the Chinese. Though the menu was slightly different, almost everything I ate there was heaven. For further information on the food, I'll have to consult my memory and picture archive. =D

For the first time in my life, I slept under an electric blanket and had my first ever taste of Smirnoff Triple Distilled Vodka. Boy, was it strong. o.o The thing was like 1 part vodka and 9 part orange juice man! And it still felt like I was downing a cognac!


The other most memorable part of 2010 was the Genting trip. I think this marked the point where my mum (and dad) started to trust me fully (though they still worry) to take care of myself when I'm away from home and also to manage my finances well. Crap, there's sudden writer's block. XP The trip was an experience - stick to fast food whenever in doubt. XD And never, ever, EVER wear high heeled, no matter how low, shoes to theme parks, or in events that'll need lots of walking.

I wasn't daring enough that trip, 'cause I didn't go for the go-up-really-high-then-suddenly-drop ride. And I slept with a guy!!! Don't think 'senget' please, sleep as in tidur aje, no what-you're-thinking. And that was actually the first time I almost got squished by a talking-in-his-sleep and constantly-putting-his-hand-up-to-his-face friend. XD Guy being a guy, he's bigger boned than me. =P

It was an experience - learning how to live with other people whom you haven't lived with for the past 17 years of your life. And learning how to adjust yourself in different situations.


There were lots of weddings this year too - my paternal grandma's life-long 'ji-mui''s daughter's wedding, my neighbor's daughter's wedding, and ... uh, there was someone else, ... aha! My mum's colleague's wedding. The most recent wedding actually got me into thinking about my wedding day, the guest list, the ROM theme, the dress, the photos, all the wedding stuff. O.O


So, the things I've learned this year:
  1. To never take anything for granted (though I still do, it's human nature).
  2. Never under-estimate anything or anyone.
  3. Always think things through before beginning anything/making a decision. =)
  4. Try not to spend recklessly. XD
  5. Be practical.
  6. Expect the unexpected.
  7. Plan for the worst, but expect the best.
  8. Try not to depend on others too much.
  9. To be versatile.
And the things I plan to do this year:
  • Get my driving licence.
  • Get my last helix piercing. XD
  • Enter a good college.
  • Lose another approximate 5 kilos.
  • Get Final Fantasy Crisis Core.
  • Improve my visual kei makeup skills. XD
  • Perhaps get a dachshund? =3
  • Grow out my hair.
  • Learn nail art.
  • Learn Japanese and Spanish.
  • Make lots of new friends and break the 'introvert'/'shy' nutshell.
  • Get a pair of minimum 5" strappy stilettos.
  • Start cosplaying?
  • Keep in touch with the gang.
  • Get a new camera?
The decisions are more or less pretty doubtful. Some of them are just plain impossible. But I had thought that owning a dog and getting the eyeshadow palette was impossible, it still happened, right? I guess the thing about life is 75% of your life is made from your decisions, the rest is fate. Many people blame fate for their misfortunes or losses, but sometimes they're just the after-effects of some of their decisions.

Well that's the new year post for you, no pictures whatsoever 'cause I'm lazy to look for them. Then have to slowly rearrange them. =/

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