
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

After hiatus PART 4

I'm crazy. And many times I try to experiment cooking with the usual things you find in the (my) house - eggs, bread, ham, frankfuters, etc. That day, I made a ham and onion bread omelet. Chopped ham, chopped onions, bread torn to pieces and fried into an omelet. I think it was the lack of seasonings, 'cause it was vitually tasteless. o.o And it was a little too much, 'cause you had bread AND egg AND meat.

Over the couple of months, I've made lots of trips to Mid Valley (without permission). These trips were what you call wasting of time and money, 'cause the only thing we did there was walk and walk and walk without much of buying stuff. There was this one time we went into Rock Corner and OHMAIGOD! Japanese, Korean, all my stuff!!! But knowing Mid Valley, everything was over RM35, and I only had RM10 left that day... *sigh~*

Birthdays are inevitable in a person's life. In my case, I have around 8 birthdays to remember every year - my gang's, of course~ Their birthdays span from March all the way down the road to December. So technically speaking, I'm not the oldest, but also not the youngest among us. The way we celebrate the birthdays are something like this - we make a DIY card/video and buy a present (teddy bears, etc), and if the time is right, dinner or lunch somewhere from school. This year, I received the most touching gift I could've gotten from my gang ever - Max Factor False Lash Effect mascara x2. You might think, it's only mascara, what's so touching about that? The truth is, there was an exhibit at Mid Valley's East Atrium one day, and I tried out the FLE. I wanted it, but couldn't get it. Then suddenly, for my birthday, they whipped out some mascaras. I thought one of them were suddenly interested in makeup. Then HinLing gave the little paper bag to me saying 'happy birthday'. I'm not really good at expressing touching stuff, but there you go. =)

Shrimp and apple salad is the ultimate deelish salad~ The name says it all - blanched shrimp and diced apples and Japanese mayonnaise as dressing, plus a tiny bit of hard boiled egg bits and salt. Ooooh, I'm hungry just thinking about it... Gah! Need to have self control! My size has increased and decreased over the past couple of months, usually because of the lack of control and the irresistable temptation of sweet, smooth, calorie-packed desserts. Yecch.

I never really had Japanese-style pasta before I tried Pasta Zanmai. My family members are pasta lovers - creamy sauces, pasta soups, you name it. And me, in particular, I have a real passion (blek~) for Japanese stuff - anime, music, food, etc~ Wafu pasta is available at Pasta Zanmai, in most flavours and types. To compliment the meal, there are assorted side dishes available, as well as a wide range of wafu desserts. The best dessert? In my opinion, it's one of the parfaits~

It's been years and years since I've actually returned to my primary school. Everything's changed so much - the grounds that I used to play on, the buildings and classrooms that held my memories were mostly replaced by upgraded classrooms. Only in certain parts of the compound that I actually experieced nostalgia. The good times, the bad times, the crazy times... I just miss those innocent, care-free years. Anyways, this time going back was to be a makeup artist ... !!! ... for 12 year old kids. The makeup was basic, but dramatic - thick false lashes, cat-eye liner, dark brows (pretty hard 'cause none of them had shaped brows), heavy blush, red lips and (here's the real drama) glittered lids. Literally glittered, with lip gloss and craft glitter. They were to perform a dance - Wonder Girls' Nobody. I more or less hated that song, and I still do. I met old teachers, old schoolmates who confused my name with someone else's and real reminescence that I never really experieced before. How nice it would be to be able to turn back time...

I think I've mentioned about moisturizers in the previous part of the post. This is my new favourite moisturizer after Biotherm's Ultra Cooling Water Gel - The Body Shop's Vitamin E Moisture Cream. I don't know the price, 'cause it came FOC with my other purchases. Lightweight and creamy, the product glides on easily and is quickly absorbed by the skin. It goes on non-sticky or greasy. This really takes care of my peeling nose problem. In certain areas like air-conditioned rooms, moisture is sucked from the place and thus my nose starts to peel like onion skin. After using this one, even with minimal water intake, the skin on my nose stays where they're supposed to be. =)

Tea tree oil acts as a disinfectant and is used for pimples and acne problems, usually. The Body Shop has an amazing range of tea tree products, including the Tea Tree Oil (15% tea tree oil), Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash and the Tea Tree Blemish Gel. Personally, I would think that the Blemish Gel would be a not-so-good investment - it does do it's job (it comes with a doe-foot wand and you just apply it directly to the blemish) but it runs out real fast, priced at RM29. The tea tree oil goes on cooling (like the traditional tea tree oil) and absorbs quickly, though the packaging makes it troublesome to get the oil out sometimes. Since it's only 15% tea tree oil, it's not oily (sound pretty ironic). As for the exfoliating wash, it contains crushed apricot stones which helps remove dead skin cells and excess sebum. This product is still in testing, but after 3 weeks of using it (twice a week, foloowed alternately by a multivitamin and skin refining mask), my black head problem hasn't exactly reduced, not that I can see anyways. All products are priced above RM25.

My progress on the classical guitar is moderate ... and getting slightly boring. It's part of the progress, but it's pretty monotonous, 'cause many of the songs in the textbook are actually traditional songs which I haven't even heard before. I've already decided to 'advance' to electric guitar. According to my guitar teacher, Mr Lee, the only difference between the two instruments are the styles of music produced and the way the sounds are produced (classical guitar uses fingering, while electric uses a pick), and the difference of a teacher. For 2 years I've been taking classes with Mr Lee, so a sudden change of teacher is kinda scary.

At long last, I have obtained ... ... ... my teasing comb. (Yeah, it's a really big deal) RM7 from Sungei Wang, thanks to Kiki. The difference between a teasing comb and a normal comb is in the teeth - the normal comb has a row of equal length teeth; the teasing comb, on the other hand, has teeth of alternating lengths (just look at the picture or Google it). Teasing is also known as backcombing, which is literally combing your hair against the direction in which it grows, in short, toward the roots. This helps create volume, and even more volume can be achieved by using a hair wax and/or a hairspray. My hair is (naturally or not) lank and lifeless most of the time, and some visual kei hairstyles involves lots of teasing and hairspray. Teasing was one of my options for thicker-looking hair, the other option was waxing it then scrunching all of it into a just-out-of-bed mess.

If you do eye makeup often, the best investment to prevent find lines and crow's feet before your age is to get a good eye cream/serum. Most (maybe even all) beauty brands have them, but of course, the effectiveness of the product also depends on your skin type and the ability of the skin to absorb, accept and work with the product to make magic on your skin, or in this case skin around your eyes. I've used around 2-3 eye creams in my lifetime, and all in the same year. I remember one of it was the SK-II eye serum (forgot the full name) and the L'Occitane Apple Eye Serum. Both are lightweight, slightly on the dilute side (gel-ish) and are quick-absorbing if you don't apply too much. All I could say is that these products help prevent (if not take care of) the fine lines that appear around your eyes after excessive pulling and rubbing.

The Malaysian KBSM (middle or secondary school syllabus) is pretty much daunting to the non-Bumiputeras (non-Malay or Muslim). The winds are always in favour of the Bumiputeras, as the country has always been helping them since the independence of the country. And in some cases, what they call subjects are just something you need to memorize, and this is what they call 1Malaysia, wanting to be like Singapore - developed. The Pendidikan Moral subject is 'designed' to inject moral values into the students' heads. How? By having them memorize the preposterously long definitions of 32 moral values over 5 years. The final verdict depends on whether you can spit out the definitions word for word.

My Girl is a 2005 Korean idol drama starring Lee Dahae and Lee Junki (forgot the other two's names, what a fan I am~). The story tells of a con-woman on the run who meets a rich man who runs the most prestegious hotel in Korea that his grandfather owns. The grandfather had a mission, that is to find his long-lost granddaughter. He had kicked his own daughter out of the house for marrying a Japanese. In all the chaos, the rich man asked the con-woman to act as his cousin until they find the real one. But as time went on, they slowly fell in love with each other, but the guy's tennis champion ex/GF and his best bud who also fell in love with the con-woman get in the way. The drama was really stupid at first, over-exaggerated scenes and totally impossible events happened. But near the end, it got a little touching, but not in the way that I would have liked, which would be the extremely tear-jerking type.

I love cheese, and I love mushrooms. So what better way than to make cheesy mushroom pasta. I do this the 'cheat' way, which means I just use canned stuff. Proportions are entirely up to the person who is eating, depending on how they like their pasta, etc. Slightly diluted Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup, macaroni/broken pasta (wrap the long pasta in a clean dish towel, then run the length of the wrapped pasta over the egde of a table) and cheese of your choice, though I would recommend mozarella plus a bit of cheddar for tang. Cook the pasta with a couple of cloves of peeled and bruised garlic, drain, add the mushroom soup and cook till hot, pour the pasta into a plate/bowl then add the chopped/grated cheese. Mix till every thing is 'well incorporated' and indulge yourself~

Have you ever thought why your life is miserable, especially if you have siblings? It's because the world (despite the whole freedom thing) is still in a 'kill or be killed' state, though not literally. Siblings, friends, cousins, etc would try to take advantage for their own gain (though some are not that low) if you're useful. After that, they could torture you however they want, and when they need something else they'll cuddle up to you again. That's the way the world revolves, people. In my world, that's how it revolves anyway.

Subway, the kingdom of fresh, healthy submarine sanwiches (in my archives). Over 10 delicious choices to choose from, you get all the nutrients in the food pyramid, but at a price of ... ... ... ... ... RM10+ per sub. Now this only applies for some sandwiches only, there are a few which are under RM10, but plus the tax (in The Gardens, Mid Valley, some other places are tax-free), it adds up to RM10. Even with a coupon, the price shocked me. I was like OoO 'this is ridiculous!' I ate it anyway, regretting the RM7+ (buy one free one, shared that with a friend) that I spent on it...

Parents and guardians beware - I'm gonna post a list of the things you should do and be aware of before, during and after an event of playing truant. I'm probably gonna get some legal letter of warning telling me not to complain about my life and help other 'goody-two-shoes' kids do things that they're not supposed to do. So far, the list to blog of after this series: food post, cosmetics post, tutorials (perhaps?) and truant tips~~

I've read a couple of books throughout the couple of months, one of them entitled Where The Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. The synopsis reads:
Billy, Old Dan and Little Ann - a Boy and His Two Dogs...
A loving threesome, they ranged the dark hills and river bottoms of Cherokee country. Old Dan had the brawn, Little Ann had the brains-and Billy had
the will to train them to be the finest hunting team in the valley. Glory and
victory were coming to them, but sadness waited too. And close by was the
strange and wonderful power that's only found ... WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS
An exciting tale of love and adventure you'll never forget.
This book had me crying like a baby, seriously. Maybe it had something to do with my own dog (he's not dead yet). But the progression of the story wasn't really gripping, on the contrary it was pretty boring.

I had slowly developed a passion for parsley since I was 13, and tuna was part of our main food products (canned, in oil/water). We have it with bread, pasta, and practically anything that can be flavoured. In one of my food experiments, I actually made something like a herby tuna pasta. Again, proportions are entirely up to you. Macaroni/broken pasta, tuna (preferably flakes in olive oil) and lots of parsley (I don't have fresh, so I used dried by McCormick). Cook the pasta with a couple of cloves of peeled and bruised garlic, toss the pasta in some of the tuna oil, mix in the tuna, and add heaps of parsley (some other rather mildly flavoured herb would also be nice).
The last part (hopefully) is part 5. Stay Tuned~

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