
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

After hiatus PART 2

During mid autumn festival this year, mum specially got some yummy yummy treats. Now, I'm not a fan of the traditional lotus paste mooncakes, nor the 'snow skin' mooncakes that are more recent, but I LOOOOOVE this one - the snow skin durian mooncake by Bisgood. One of the branches can be found in Mid Valley Megamall, LG Floor opposite McDonald's next to the DiGi centre. It's basically a flour/confectioner's sugar dusted snow skin holding in the lucious, creamy durian filling. The package says pure durian, but the texture was like durian ice cream to me.

It's nearly the end of my high school education, so what I worry about now is the future (if I even have one). First and foremost, I would like to earn some extra cash, which would mean a part-time job. My 'higher ambitions' were dubbed 'foolishness' by my mum 'cause I wanted to work at the Mid Valley area. What she doesn't know is that I really would like to work at i-SOCKS in Times Square (again). She expects me to take my sis' old job at a video rental shop. Sorry, but I'd rather have 9 inches of makeup on my face at a goth-loli store than work in a video rental shop-cum-convenience store.

I'm usually pretty slow to catch up on trends, which, at that time, was the Cafe Life rage. It's something like Cafe World, but much more polished and simple. Even the avatar is nicer. When Cafe Life says cafe, it's actually a cafe - clean, simple and dainty (the default decors, etc), compared to Cafe World which looks more like a worn 90's restaurant trying to regain fame. And sometimes these games are upgraded too much. Like MapleSEA, I haven't played for a year, a friend talk to me about it and I'm like ... 'huh?'

The Seri Petaling Pizza Hut branch should either change management or should be closed down. The service sucks and they're almost always short on staff, and more flamboyant nature of the younger employees ain't helping. Plus, how could you say 'we're outta tuna' in a restaurant that uses tuna flakes?! As for the pasta ... OMG. My sis could've done a better job - freshly cooked pasta should be tossed in oil to avoid later sticking together. You know what the smarties did? They left the pasta out to cool for perhaps 15 minutes or longer without oil, then tossed it in chilli oil then added prawns to it and it was called a prawn olio spaghetti. It was disgusting, all clumped together and virtually tasteless.

As for the Garlic Butter Pizza, seriously it tasted like ... I dunno, some sourish cream with mozarella. There might've been butter but there wasn't any garlic in it at all. So why call it garlic butter pizza? Beats me, I'm not the one who names these things. Oh yeah, the newest launched pizza, the one with 6 cheeses? Pizza Hut launched a similar product almost a decade back. I forgot whether it was the same few cheeses or even the same number of cheeses, but a pure cheese pizza was launched. C'mon lah, if you wanna copy your senior's work, please be sure that enough time has passed before you present it.

A day after the Pizza Hut incident, we went for badminton at the community centre. Once again, we played badminton till near death, then fooled around till even my socks were thrown away by the cleaning lady. =P Why, you ask? Because I took off my shoes and my socks for some pantomime play, then just went out barefoot for a while, when we came back they were gone. Lucky thing my mum doesn't keep count of the number of socks that I have.

A couple of weeks later came our class T-shirt. Though I had that little bit of involvement with the design, I pretty much hated it. It was white shirt with yellow collar and trimmings. When I saw the color I was like 'what the...?!' AhWin immediately stated that the thing looked like the Sugarcraft uniform, and he was right. I made a trip to the night market one Tuesday with Chicken wearing the T-shirt, and coincidentally this group of Sugarcraft students just finished classes and was walking around the market. They caught sight of me and was practically gawking at me like I had two heads. =x

The T-shirts arrived somewhere in the middle of our trial exams, I think. I can't recall. =P The trail exams will basically be the evaluation of how hard the real thing would be and if anything happens to your official results, your trial results will be taken.

Relationships between members of our gang began to tense around that time. Some people were going overboard with some things, some were denying changes in themselves and some keep bringing up incidents that make people feel guilty. Practically everyone was talking behind everyone's back. At one point I was dubbed no man's land and tried to make peace between two of my friends. Unfortunately, my efforts were wasted. They still don't like each other, or at least they're not talking to each other. =P

Curry noodles, bee hoon in particular, are one of my favourite foods. Just take the bean sprouts outta the bowl and it's perfect for lunch and dinner. I love the curry noodles at Fatty Mok and a stall at the Tuesday Seri Petaling night market. Why bee hoon and not the yellow noodles? Firstly, I find that there's some distinct taste in yellow noodles that doesn't really agree with my palette, and secondly, bee hoon is the only type of noodles that soaks up the soup under 3 minutes, giving you flavour in every strand of noodle. Curry kueh teow only promises two things - a mess and extra calories. As far as noodles go, the lou shu fun and kueh teow are the most fattening noodles because the needed a lot of oil to keep the noodles from sticking together.

We had borrowed Boys Over Flowers from my unc for about a year already but we just havent got round to watching it. But out of the blue my mum wanted to watch it, and since then, my mum had become what I never thought she would become - a Korean drama, Lee Minho and Kim Hyunjoong fanatic. They're called F4, and they're the richest/most powerful/most popular/most handsome kids in Korea. Being pampered since birth, they ruled the school, pulling mean pranks on other kids (actually I should use 'students') until some of them commit suicide to put an end to the hell on earth. Then Geum Jandi turns up, turning Junpyo's life the other way around, but she only has feelings for Jihoo, Junpyo's best friend since childhood. The story proceeds (supposedly to the requests of viewers) until they all succeed in their ambitions but Jandi had yet to accept Junpyo's proposal. I'll tell you this - I hate the ending. I hate it so much that a 9.9/10 rating went down to 9/10.

I finally went for a facial last month, just around 3 weeks of going with Ushishi's skin regimen - warm and cold water. They all went bonkers when I said I hadn't used anything at all for three weeks. I'm not 5 years old, I know skin care products and such better than you do. My research (more of just reading) on cosmetics, skin care and such surpass your own knowledge of it. And anyway it's my skin, and since I'm not using any products my skin isn't damaged, at most it's get a little oversunned and/or dehydrated. During a facial at Holistic Touch Seri Petaling, they first double cleanse your face, then put on a masque. While the masque is working its magic, they give you a de-stress massage with aromatherapy oil. The masque is cleared, your face is steamed then on to extraction. Strangely enough (whether it's just the aesthetician or me), the needle was used much less than the first couple of times I was there. After extraction, they put a really cold masque on your face so that the open pores will close and seal out the sebum, dirt, etc. While that's on your face, an excruciating leg massage is given. Then they follow with the usual toner, serum and moisturizer. The lady even redid my brows for me. The shape looked so weird I started growing them out and I've reshaped them again...

The product that is slowly rising to fame now are lash volumizing and lengthening serums. L'Oreal launched the first one. Then I saw a review on the Lilash by MissChievous. Then that day I had my facial I found another brand - Ilash. Ladies now crave for long, luscious lashes, especially ladies with monolids as the lashline is usually pulled slightly inward, thus making the lashes look shorter than they really are.

Right after I left the spa, I saw an actual crime scene in front the Soon Fatt seafood restaurant. The scene was complete with bloody shoe, lots of reporters and an actual police line (the yellow tape thing they use to keep people from contaminating the crime scene). I never knew what happened there, but after a couple of days things were back to normal. Let's hope that whatever happened there didn't end for the worst. *prays*

We're a fan of IKEA. Sometimes when we need a chair or some furniture replaced, we take the chance to walk IKEA for most of the morning, then have a satisfying meal at the Restaurant. One time, my mum came back from work with an aluminium toothpaste tube. It was actually a prawn cheese spread from Sweden. The mechanism works just like a regular toothpaste tube, but what comes out is delisius creamy prawn and cheese spread suitable for bread and crackers.

For Hsin Yiee's birthday, we celebrated at Shabu Garden in Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park. If compared using quality, quantity and value, I would prefer 100'C just down the road. The soup selection at SG was wider than 100, but the freshness of the seafood was a little off. The scallop were small and the shells were broken. The set was rather small (smaller than I expected) but it was more expensive than 100's. The drinks at SG are a lot better, though~

Right after eating shabu shabu with the gang, we were headed out to Leong Ya Balakong for dinner. We ordered my favourite deep fried soft shell crab and fried tofu~~ Ooh that was a night to remember. I saw Ong Xiao Li at one point, or at least I think it was her and just started reminiscing on my primary school days where there wasn't so much stress about being mature and worrying about our future. During those days it was all play and very little study. Ah, how I miss those days, but not the part where most of the boys boycotted me for my crappy temper. ~.~

Part 2 complete for now, 'cause I gotta sleep!!!

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