
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Japanese craze

Everyone is in a sudden Japanese craze now, perhaps it's because of the upcoming Bon Odori. Even Nicole and GlitterGeek is in the craze. Since it's gonna be my last year with the gang, I thought I'd go for the event (which I only came to know about last year =P). What my mum said when I asked for her permission was, 'I'd rather you didn't go, but if you insist on going, whatever happens is your business.' C'mon, can't you trust me enough? Ugh...

Eclipse is to premier in KL and I've read the book...again. I've read the entire series three times through (Harry Potter 5 times). I've more or less had the story memorized in my head already, but I still shake with laughter at the funny parts. the surprising thing is - when you reread a book, you actually find yourself in a situation where you're like reading the book all over again, 'cause the first time you more or less just tried to finish the book ASAP and missed out on some of the parts.

The school's Chinese Language Society is organizing a singing competition, but the society being a Chinese Languange one, only Chinese songs are allowed. Well, crap then. I thought that since this is the last year I'd give it a go, but when I heard only Chinese, the rest was history.

The school photos have arrived after x years of work to collect, and now the task is to distribute them and get the remaining seating lists that are missing. Problem is - we all have class, 2 are librarians, one is a prefect, and the other just doesn't come to school every day. And the extra dilemma is that no one wants to stay back to do the distribution or collection.

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