
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Editorial Candid

On last week's editorial meeting, we started talking about the not-yet-done candid shots for the Editorial Board. On Wednesday we agreed (more or less was informed) that we do it on Saturday. Theme? Black and white, those without black trousers or slacks can wear jeans (which is what most of them wore). Photographer? Well, it was more of a take-turns between XY and me, but Dina helped as well~ XD

On Friday night everyone was worrying about what to wear. XY didn't have a white top, so she asked whether I had anything (what she said was actually 'I have nothing to wear'), so I looked through my wardrobe and my mum's wardrobe and found only 2 suitable white tops - the first one more of something like a trench dress, but would look decent with skinny jeans; the other one male cut long-sleeved white shirt. I was gonna wear my white ribbon chiffon dress... =P

The next morning I woke up at 6, wondering why my phone's alarm didn't go off. Thinking that I didn't need to be awake at such an early hour, I set my clock to 6.30, but it still didn't ring. Then I only noticed that I set the alarm to ring only on weekdays. =P Anyways spent half an hour in the bathroom (including the contact lens ordeal) then tried to get everything done as quickly as possible.

Today's makeup look was the blue smokey (though it looks more like shimmery gunmetal after mixing with my primer and mascara/liner =X) with really messy liner and overdid brows... =s Smoothed my hair with the serum then wore my maple leaf earrings (mistakenly put the left-hand side one in the stretched piercing =__=)

My sis fetched me to school, and I was like ....... oh MF crap, I forgot that there were other school programmes on today. Anyways, I waited with Nih Tha, Jeffrey and Xiao Torng at the bus stop for the others to arrive, and get this - the editors were third latest to arrive. Anyway, it seemed that the trench dress was not to be used at all. We started with the designers' department, and they said girls were indecisive. Ugh...

The whole photography session (including the overall group photo) took around an hour in total, which by then I already got around 6 blisters and numerous mosquito bites on my calves. I stayed back with Xiao Torng, who was gonna go for some mamak at Maju with Jeffrey and Poh Kien. I went out with them (holding the trench dress with two hangers =x=x=x=x=x) at around 10+am.

We ate at Maju, and for the first time in my life, I had a real chat with all three of them for over an hour, and all we did was chat - about practically everything, from the school stuff to the jobs we had over the years. We did just that, till some guy's cologne overwhelmed us. By just doing that, I noticed things about people that I never really noticed before.

We walked back to school and chatted a while, then I went home, finding my sis' classmate in the kitchen, my sis making a birthday cake for Kok Fei. After a while, Amelia, Mark Tan, and Kok Fei were all in the house, and I was like ... OMG, I feel like I'm Form 1 again... =__= So now I'm gonna write some sentimental stuff... XD

At one particular editorial meeting, I didn't really believe what Miss Liew had said - '... this is also a very good opportunity to socialize and meet new people'. I'm very judgmental - I judge about everyone I see on the street, firstly based on the way the present themselves, next by the way they act then by the way the look at other people. It turns out that you can't do that.

Despite these judgments, I try to socialize and talk with them, and with some of them it's surprisingly easy to. And there are actually lots of things you don't know about a person unless you communicate with them.

The definition of friends is people who will accept you for everything that you are, always be there for you and actually are concerned for your welfare. They'll be honest enough with you, but they know the limits and will help you through your life. But there are some people who label their friends differently. These so-called 'friends' tell them to change who they are, change what they like, change them into people that they aren't.

Some regard friends as the people they always go out with, but have a very limited conversation range. Some people even hate their own 'friends', but stick with them anyway 'cause they're afraid that they'll never be accepted into the 'crowd'. Here's the gist of it - if they don't accept you for who you are, look for some other people, there's bound to be some people who would accept you.

Alright, my sentimental-ness is done, now I'm gonna YouTube and makeup my head off~~~~ XD

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