
Monday, May 10, 2010

I hate it when it rains when I'm supposed to walk home

It's freakin' Monday and do you know what the dear monitors and para pengerusi say to me? 'I forgot to bring the order form' or 'Some people haven't passed me the money yet'. Screw them. Screw them to the fiery pits of Hades. =P Alright, maybe the situation isn't all that chaotic, but the chaotic thing is that I have to go through some people's crappy writing and type out their seating lists on the Edi PC. I already missed almost 3 whole days of classes, and my ex-Bio teacher is really pissed 'cause I haven't handed in my PEKA report yet - it's been a full week. XP

So today went to Maju to have lunch with Sherman, Ann Li and Xinyi, stopping at 7-11 to get a reload card. Fuck fate - I dropped all my RM5 and RM1 notes, just because I pulled out one big fat RM10 note. Damn. Crap. Arrghh... =P And right after tuition I found out that Yeanchi had already went home, so I had to walk home. And now it's raining like crap. What did I do to deserve all this? *rips hair out*

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