
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friends forever

Seriously, I've never had such a fun day in my whole life, but it was just slightly spoiled by me ceaseless stomach aches. Fuck.

I slept at around 11pm (I sleep pretty early these days, compared to when I slept at 2-3am every night =P) the previous night, and woke up at 4am. It was either the cold (air-cond on at 20C) or the sheer thought that I would be out for the whole day, and not an hour spent at school. XD

I went to school, seemingly like usual. Went to the canteen, extracted my sling bag from my school bag, then went out to the community centre to wait for Torng. We went straight to Kim In to change. I changed my left shoelaces into my black lollipop laces. XD And that's when I got boo-boo. When I say boo-boo I mean crap, which also translates into - dung, shit if you may. Washed my hand thrice with soap, but there was still the smell.

As we went to the bus stop opposte Endah Villa, I found a patch of grass and wiped my shoes down. Well, most of the smell was gone, but there was still a hint... =P We took U71 to Mid Valley, then had breakfast at McDonald's. Torng had Sausage McMuffin with Egg while I had the hotcakes, both with coffee/tea and totalled up to only RM8.50.

We literally walked around almost the entire mall while waiting for the shops to open, but eventually waited outside Anime-Tech to check the price for Darker than Black 2. I bought it from there for RM25, as opposed to the RM19.90 listed on By the time I went down to Speedy, they said they didn't have the disc. And here's the little detail that really bugs me - RM25 for 12 episodes when I could get 26 episodes for the same price. Ugh...

We went to Watsons, Shu Uemura, MAC, Stage, Shins and Elianto, checking out eyeliner and khol pencils (is there a difference?) and their prices. The most shocking incident was when I went to Shu Uemura to check out brushes. I know that MAC brushes were expensive, so I decided to check out Shu Uemura's. I asked the prices for blending brushes - one of them was RM210, while the other one was RM480. I seriously did a double take when she told me the prices.

At one point we stopped by a jewellery shop which had lots and lots of earrings. I need a flesh tunnel, or something similar, so I showed my piercing to the lady and asked her whether she had any earrings of that size. From out of the corner of my eye I saw her smirking in surprise. XD I checked out all of the stalls that sell flesh tunnels and such, but I think I'll but mine from Top One Silver. XP

After finishing out shopping and surveys, we took the exact same bus back to school, then took Yeanchi's bus back to her place. I walked Torng to her grandma's house before going back to Yeanchi's house. The girls went through my make up stuff, then went for baths. Yeanchi went first, then Hsin Yiee, me, then Ling. Ling had to wait for a while 'cause Yeanchi's sis was bathing her rabbits.

I took my bath, blew my hair dry (which is a first in around 2 years) with a hair drier, then started with my makeup. As usual, the dark brown day smokey eye. Hsin Yiee played with my Opera mascara, while Ling curled her lashes and waxed her hair. I have a feeling that my wax is incompetent - after half an hour of waxing, the whole thing just fell back into its lank state. Maybe I should look for the Osis+...

Yeanchi's dad gave us a lift to the area, then we went up to the boutiques to have a lookie. I know malls and Petaling Street, but I haven't seen so many boutiques on one street before. As usual, I was drooling over the maxi dresses and the tube dresses, but I wasn't all that fond of the tops. The prices were like expected - RM20-100, the tags that I did look at anyways.

We didn't get the VIP room as there was a booking (next time, book), so we settled for the 8 seater table. We sat around waiting for AhWin, Anne Yeng, and Yuriko. This is what the guys wore:
=birthday girl Yuriko - horizontal stripe black and white halter neck with a short black cardi and denim skirt
=birthday boy AhWin - orange T-shirt with long beige bermudas (and Crocs slippers XD)
=Ling - black Paddington bear T-shirt with shorts
=Hsin Yiee - white T-shirt from Times Square with blue button shorts
=Yeanchi - white faceless bear T-shirt with green mini shorts
=Anne Yeng - pink and black stripe hooded long T-shirt with long bermudas
=moi - black long T-shirt with skinny jeans (if you could call them skinny =P)

A few embarassing things happened to me - my chainlink belt had a loose ring, so it kept falling off. =P After my bath, I forgot to take my laundry from the bathroom and had to take them while Yeanchi's mother was having her bath. =P=P=P paiseh... =P

We ate, laughed, camwhored, argued, and bugged the hell out of the staff till around 8pm. Before leaving, we cut the cake, gave the birthday people their presents and birthday cards, and camwhored a little more. We next walked to 100¥ Shop for the shaved ice. I shared a mango with Hsin Yiee and Yeanchi, but I was too bloated (think 'balloon') to take anymore.

We seriously walked and walked and walked until we came to a small teashop called Societea. As the name suggests, it specializes in tea. We had two pots of tea (forgot what, but the beautifying tea was B27, and the detoxifying one was B30) and we drank tea till 9pm. Yeanchi's sis' boyfriend gave us (Yeanchi, Ling, and moi) a ride.

Well, that was it for a wonderful day with friends. Envy really has a huge effect on me at times...

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