
Sunday, April 25, 2010


I find it quite infrequent that I have almost absolutely nothing to blog about. =P Almost as in, I do have around one or two things to blog about, and that's it.

Bengkel Pelajar Harapan - seriously, it sounds uber stupid, but it was nevertheless a pretty good programme, except for the Bio and BM slots. 100 selected SPM students and 100 selected PMR students. No 5H students and most of the 5F boys got selected. Myself included, together with Sheauhui, AhWin, Yeanchi, Yuriko & Liyen. We started on Friday, after school, with the Sejarah slot with Mr Siva.

The whole thing went like this - icebreaking, briefing on important points, group exercise, and then discussion of answers. And that was it, and because of that we only got to go home at 4.30pm. Yeanchi's sis fetched me home, and after cleaning up Duke's pee tray, I ate whatever was available as dinner, then took a bath and waited for my tuition classes.

We did graph of functions and factorisation. To be frank, I haven't exactly listened to every single lesson (whatever the subject) with 120% of attention. As for math, well, I haven't been listening since Form 3.

Slept pretty early and woke up at 6am. I didn't know that my bus would be fetching people today, so I waited for my mum to fetch me to school, on a Saturday, wearing an unbelievably ghastly T-shirt and track pants that were a couple of inches too short. =P

First slot - BM by Pn Raha, if I remember correctly. I slept through most of it (sitting at the back has its advantages). Then brunch, which happened to be chillied sardine sandwiches (I'm a glutton, alright =X). Next slot, Maths. Now this is my favourite slot. Taught by Pn Chew, the lesson was concentrated on sets, mathematical reasoning, statistics, graph of functions and something-something in 3 dimensions.

Then after an approximate 2-hour lunch break o.O we had Bio. For lunch? Lemongrass herb fried chicken, with stewed veggies and rice. Now I don't really like rice, but I'm alright with stewed veggies and all in all I kinda liked lunch, except for the 'air merah'.

Last slot - Bio and Science. Taught by Pn Noor Fadilah and Pn Norkhaidiriyah. They taught - drawing mind maps, etc. Super boring.

Within the whole day, the guys all left bit by bit. Yeanchi, Liyen and Yuriko all left during lunch, Munyou left much earlier and AhWin went back during Bio due to a headache caused by insufficient sleep. So I was all alone, like always. Even through the whole majlis penyampaian sijil and all that, I sat beside Apple.

Walked home, cleaned up Dukie's pee tray, wiped up two puddles of his vomit and his random puddles of pee, then took a bath, ate the leftover fried noodles from last night, then just hung around till dear came, then slept at around midnight.

So that's all I'll blog about for now.

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