
Friday, April 2, 2010


I'm sure you remember the stray dog I picked up from school around a week ago? We finally found an owner for her. Liyen's cousin (resembles Liyen's youngest sister a lot =P) had wanted the silky terrier that my aunt had up for adoption initially, but she settled for Princess as the terrier was adopted by the couple who found him.

Stray dogs are expensive... =P The vet fees (RM115, bloody @#$%&!), the food (RM14 for the biscuits), etc... And the freakin' stubborn girl wouldn't eat her deworming tablet. Well, that's her problem, even Duke eats his deworming stuff, he eats practically anything (except antibiotics). She whines unbelievably when we lock her up or when only one of us goes downstairs to accompany Duke. *sighs~*

Anyways, on Wednesday, add maths exam. Hey, I dropped the bloody subject. I'm not gonna tell my mum that I'm having exams (no way no how, though SPM is inevitable), and coincidentially Xiaotorng had the same case, so we planned a day out to MV, initially to watch Kaiji, but then it was only premiering on 8th of April. Grr... Asked Kyo, but he was taking add maths. Asked my sis, she said we were going too early. More or less as a last resort (we weren't going to MV alone), so I asked Arex. He was like, sure, why not?

Next morning in PBSM uniform (I'm going without permission, but with knowledge of my sis XD) with my black tank under and my jeans & jacket in my school bag. Went to Liyen's shop, changed, then took the U71 to MV. Arrived there, he say nak makan breakfast (everyday nak makan breakfast aje). Went to the Warung where only he makan (nasi lemak + Milo...), then slowly lenggang up to the cinema. Haven't open yet. So went to and fro from centre court to where the cinema for dunno how many times. Finally cinema counters open, since no Kaiji and Clash of the Titans was only premiering the next day we opted for Alice in Wonderland.

Went down to Bonita to look for Xiaotorng to look for birthday presents for Siew Ping and Ei Teng. Got a bracelet for Siew Ping and a handphone strap for herself. Then went up to top floor and looked around there for another present for another guy friend of Xiaotorng's and something for Ei Teng (I think).

Jalan till 11am, then masuk cinema. First time went into cinema no. 2, stupid layout and the row we were sitting, slouch any lower and you wouldn't be able to see anything... I really wonder how he saw anything given that he was slouching so freakin' low... =P Yeanchi said that it was below expectations, and it more or less was, but it was still alright. Should've gone for a comedy, though, the laughing would've made it not so cold, even with the jacket on. XP

After that went to Living Cabin and found a cute penguin TV head accessory for Xiaotorng's friend, then took the U71 back to school. Sis fetched Arex and I from school, then proceeded to the Endah Promenade building to get Hinling and Liyen. Got home, changed then took Princess out to the vet. Curse the bloody unpredictible KL weather... Got soaked while bringing Princess back home (he got soaked too... =P), then more or less spent the rest of the day on the couch with him... And there goes my first kiss. XDXDXD

Back another couple of days, my sis finally finished her 3-month industrial training in the Eastern and Oriental Hotel in Penang. Mum went up to fetch her home, the drive starting at 2am... o.O I stayed up all night singing along with the player (till my throat hurt =P) to keep myself awake to accompany my mum. The thing about being the front seat passenger, it's your duty to stay awake and accomapany the driver when the rest of the passengers are asleep.

We arrived around 6am, and the sunrise view from Gurney Drive was breathtaking... Unfortunately we were in a moving car and I have a 2MP crappy phone cam. We stopped at the McD at Sunshine, had breakfast, lepak for an hour for the engine to cool down, then drove to Tanjung Bungah to get my sis. Boy, she had lots of stuff..... By the time we got home, it was more or less just *snooze~~*
So now I'm in a dilemma. Well, not exactly a dilemma, just a rather hard-to-choose-from, completely unnecessary choice. Heck, I haven't even paid for my current phone yet. It's been dropped so many times already now, the microSD malfunctions everytime there is a small tremor.
So here are the three options:
Sony Ericsson Aino
LG Lollipop
Nokia N97 / Nokia N97 mini
The Aino, my dreamphone, but from RM1100. Another option, the Lollipop, saw the ad in China, only RM799, but not my dreamphone and looks not as attractive as the Aino, but is the cheaper alternative. My secondary dreamphone, the N97 RM2000 or the mini, RM1900 (I think). The problem is, I already have a phone, but since my mum is planning to get an iPhone, I suppose an Aino won't hurt. XDXDXD
So in love with Nakigahara~~

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