
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Education Fair~~

I almost kept myself all night awaiting the next day - 13th March, education fair at Mid Valley Exhibition Centre. We had made a date - Yuriko, Xiaohui, Hinling, Liyen, Yeanchi & me, though Yuriko would be walking around with her BF. ... ...

Woke up at 7.30am, then got ready partially, which means make myself presentable enough, then waited for Liyen and Yeanchi downstairs. Yeanchi wore something really nice - hooded top with denim shorts, plus blue flats with her hair down, so mature-looking (something you don't often see). Liyen on the other hand, OMG... Yeah, her clothes were OK, green polo shirt and cotton knee-length pants, but long white socks with brown shoes? And her hair was clipped up with a large plastic clip. o.O

We waited, while I ran up and down, doing my makeup and being a hostess at the same time, though at 17 with not much experience in handling people (my contact with homo sapiens are limited anyway), I more or less just sat around. Mum fetched grandma to Cheras before coming here to pick us up.

We went through a traffic jam before arriving at Mid Valley, thankfully enough the traffic jam led another road other than towards the car park. =P Mum gave me a measly RM20 to 'cover my expenses for the day', which meant food and drink. She stuck to the fact that I was there for the fair and only the fair, nothing else.

We first went to the cinema, where Yuriko got the tickets for the last-minute-decision movie - 72 Tenents of Prosperity.

So we had breakfast in Dragon-i, which sold mainly ramen and xiao long bao. We sorta regretted the choice - expensive like hell (hey, we don't have our own income), and not all that tasty anyway, I dunno what the fuss was all about.

After that, which was around 11+am, we went around to the Nichii area to look at clothes. They stopped at Romp to try on some clothes. In my opinion, Romp has more hip hop, rock-oriented clothes, most of which looks a lot like the other. Maybe what I'm trying to say is nothing there really caught my eye - T-shirts, silhouetted tops, jeans, denim shorts and skirts, hip-hop style oriented jackets, etc.

We entered the exhibition hall, and went around and around and around and around and around till around 1pm. In this time, lots of calls and messages were sent, 'cause there were too many people around and we always got separated. We ran into AhWin, who supposedly said that he was too busy to attend the fair on Friday. At first I thought AhWin was helping The One Academy distribute flyers, 'cause the shirt he was wearing was about the same colour and design of the people working there. XD

I also had a very heavy feeling that I was being stalked, due to the fact that I had told him that I would be attending the fair, and during the fair he suddenly sent me a message saying 'I see you'. I was like, OMG... He called me while I was filling a form for APT (my main criteria - makeup, so APT was my first booth), more or less letting me know that he was also there. =__=!!!

So we went for the movie at 1.45pm. Though the plot was mainly pointless, it was hilarious. Right after the movie, we went to Watson's to get some eyedrops for Yeanchi 'cause she had just removed her circle lenses and her eyes were really red from dryness. After that we went straight back home, dropping Yeanchi on the way.

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