
Friday, January 29, 2010

End of Jan..

So quickly it's the end of January... I'm taking what seems like my third trip to Penang this month... =P It's January 29th today, which means it's hyde's birthday... Otanjyoubi omedetou gosaimasu, haido-sama.. I freakin' totally forgot. I had that kind of weird feeling about today for the whole day, turns out that I forgot his birthday... What kind of fan am I? Ugh...

It's been quite some time since I've listened to Paramore's Decode... Mum brought back the New Moon DVD, but we haven't gotten round to watching it yet... T.T Finally finished our exams though... I've been trying emo makeup lately, inspired by MissChievous's teen week video 'trilogy' on her YouTube channel and her blog posted some time ago, the first of the three videos being the tutorial for the trendy emo makeup, which consists of black surrounding the whole eye.

Stupid sukan tara and merciless sun... We had our sukan tara on Wednesday and Thursday, and being more or less the only photographer on the Editorial Board (XinYi just joined the photography department and we're now recruiting new Editorial members =]), I had to take pictures of the whole hour long event under the scorching sun for 2 days. I got sunburn after that... =P

I want Geo Nudy Purple lens... We got into a real 'high' discussion about cosmetic lens around the start of the week, and they were telling me that there was a stall at the nearby pasar malam on Tuesday that sells cosmetic lens. The lens are authentic Geo lens, but mum didn't trust pasar malam stuff and would rather buy an RM80 pair from licenced optical shops rather than the price Vincent or the dealer offers, which is around RM25 (if you're a member) to RM45 (Vincent's price). What's more, she's only temporarily paying. Right after CNY I'll have to pay her back with my ang pow money. =s

Now I'm awaiting news from mum's colleague who has a friend who works at an optical shop in Sg Wang. Hopefully there'll be Geo lens wherever he or she works, and hopefully I'll get it before CNY and at a price under RM50...

OMG... I'm thinking about Chan Hoong again... XP Just browsing through CK's old school mag when I came to a stop at Kelab Bola Keranjang. Ka Wah was so adorable in the pic~! Yen Han and the gang... Ogei...

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