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Friday, May 1, 2009

So much for hiatus


这个周末,我阿姨姨丈从新加坡上来探望我们一家人。At lunch time, we all went out for hawkers' lunch at the nearby Alison. For once in around 8 years, I couldn't finish my lunch, and it went to my sister's stomach. While waiting for my spicy fried kuay teow, my text buddy suddenly called me to ask me what I was doing after a few days of not texting me. It was noisy, and he was mumbling, so I hung up and sent him a message asking what he was saying. He asked me whether I still know who he is and where I was. I said I was having lunch at where I was having lunch. Then he replied that he would come find me after I was finished. I told him that I was lunching with family and I wanted to go to a friend's house later. 他又突然间问我,干嘛要去朋友的家?我reply他说盈熹(我朋友)说要我去她家跟她配合钢琴。他就很冷地reply了我一个 “哦,这样啊。。哈哈。。”

吃了午饭我跟一张去八打灵旧街场持我们最喜欢的ais kacang。尤其是在这种炎热的大马天气之下,那小碗的ais kacang就好像天堂一样。。。~.~ 回到家,拿了吉他,我老妈就载我到盈熹的家。到了那里,我发现那条街就是我以前暗念过的男生住的那条街,但可惜的,他已搬去吉打了。。。由于我才学了一个月的吉他,我朋友的乐谱上写的chord很多都是还没学会的,她差点给我气死。。。谈了一下,他就开电脑。。。我们一面看Youtube的video,一面玩其他东西。Around六点,我就打了电话给老妈,叫她载我回家。

昨晚我又用电脑用到大概凌晨三点多。。。我那么多个小时干嘛呢?就是在imeem和Youtube那里看日本PV,听日本歌咯。之后就玩Restaurant City咯。之后就在www.onemanga.com看漫画 - 下眩的月亮Kagen no Tsuki。我还没看完,还有几个chapter要看。。。我在看PV时,我有发现了多一首GazettE的歌 - 千鶴 Chizuru。是一首非常好听的歌 - 够rock,非常有GazettE的风格,然后PV也非常非常非常非常的好看。。。我亲爱的Uruha和Ruki様。。。*流口水~~* 还有,前几天,我在Youtube发现了一个与众不同的人。他名叫Rowell,是住在美国的菲律宾人。超帅,超酷,而且是 超喜欢雅様的咧!!!


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