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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bacon macaroni

For some reason, I'm feeling really pissed today. Maybe it's hormones. Anyway, I went to work at about 2pm today as my aunt had other things to attend to regarding the renovation of the new office (I think). When we got to the office, the first thing my aunt and I did was eat. She had made some bacon macaroni with button mushrooms. Really nice. So the next time I'm gonna make spaghetti (yes, I know, very messy) with either chicken soup, mushroom soup or cheese and herbs spaghetti sauce. And to grate some cheddar cheese on top, I've devised a way of placing a couple of slices of the cheddar cheese into the freezer overnight, then it'll be hard enough to grate. But this method has not gone through experimenting yet, so I would not suggest anyone try this yet.

So about the whole day I've been making quotations and filing quotations. I like quotations, I even like how they spell quotations. Maybe it's 'cause it's something like filling a form (I love filling forms, regardless of what form they are). The jar of chocolate cookies I put at the office has not been finished yet.

I'm getting my PMR results on the 30th. I think that day will be the end of my life. So now I'll proceed to playing mindless and childish games. Listening to 'Tilted' by Lupe Fiasco.

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